Speaker Recordings
Speakers from our district events,
share their experience, strength, and hope.
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We have recordings for the following meetings and events in District 16.
Note: All speakers are individual members of the program who voluntarily share their own experience in Al-Anon and how they've gained strength and hope by participating in Al-Anon. For more official Al-Anon recordings and videos, refer to the Al-Anon Family Groups - Recovery Podcasts and Al-Anon Family Groups - Public Service Announcements.
Monthly Speaker Meeting Recordings
January - Rosanna H: 202001 Rosanna H-Al-Anon.mp3
December - Mary M: 201912 Mary M-AA.mp3
December - Suzanne L: 201912 Suzanne L-AI-Anon.mp3
November - Jenny M: 201911 Jenny M-AI-Anon.mp3
October - Martha: 201910 Martha-AI-Anon.mp3
September - Jeremy H: 201909 Jeremy H-AA.mp3
July - Nicole C: 201907 Nicole C-AA.mp3
July - Roy C: 201907 Roy C-AI-Anon.mp3
June - Patti N: 201906 Patti N-AA.mp3
June - Cecille H: 201906 Cecille H-AI-Anon.mp3
April - Cricket: 201904 Cricket-AI-Anon.mp3
March - Heidi M: 201903 Heidi M-AI-Anon.mp3
February - Livia AM: 201902 Livia AM-AI-Anon.mp3
December - Lori S: 201812 Lori S-AI-Anon.mp3
October - Shawn A: 201810 Shawn A-AI-Anon.mp3
September - Kathy Y: 201809 Kathy Y-AA.mp3
September - Jennifer P: 201809 Jennifer P-AI-Anon.mp3
July - John NYC: 201807 John NYC-AA.mp3
June - Liz K: 201806 Liz K-AI-Anon.mp3
May - Elaine S: 201805 Elaine S-AI-Anon.mp3
April - Yvonne De G: 201804 Yvonne De G-AI-Anon.mp3
March - Deb: 201803 Deb-AI-Anon.mp3
February - Sandy S: 201802 Sandy S-AI-Anon.mp3
February - Dave S: 201802 Dave S-AA.mp3
January - Jim K: 201801 Jim K-AA.mp3
January - Penny K: 201801 Penny K-AI-Anon.mp3
November - Delta: 201711 Delta-Al-Anon.mp3
December - Kenneth L: 201612 Kenneth L-AI-Anon.mp3
July - Cheri M: 201607 Cheri M-AI-Anon.mp3
May - John W: 201605 John W-AI-Anon.mp3
March - Christopher M: 201603 Christopher M-AA.mp3
March - Gennie M: 201603 Gennie M-AI-Anon.mp3
February - Charlie T: 201602 Charlie T-AI-Anon.mp3
December - Ethan G: 201512 Ethan G-AA.mp3
December - Livia: 201512 Livia-AI-Anon.mp3
November - Michele S: 201511 Michele S-Al-Anon.mp3
October - Fats: 201510 Fats-AA.mp3
October - Art T: 201510 Art T-AI-Anon.mp3
September - Annie B: 201509 Annie B-AA.mp3
September - Stacy B: 201509 Stacy B-AI-Anon.mp3
August - Gilbert S: 201508 Gilbert S-AA.mp3
July - Kristine B: 201507 Kristine B-AI-Anon.mp
July - Patrick B: 201507 Patrick B-AI-Anon.mp3
June - Annie M: 201506 Annie M-AA.mp3
June - Dana C: 201506 Dana C-AI-Anon.mp3
May - Karen H.A: 201505 Karen HA-AI-Anon.mp3
April - Bill W: 201504 Bill W-AA.mp3
April - Lisa W: 201504 Lisa W-AI-Anon.mp3
March - Yvonne D: 201503 Yvonne D-AI-Anon.mp3
Special Event Recordings (Day In Al-Anon/Fall Fest Speakers)
Fall Fest Speakers:
Jack P - AA
Lisa W - Al-Anon
Day in Al-Anon Main Speakers:
Cal W. - AA
Nancy B. - Al-Anon
DIA Step 12 Spiritual Awakenings - Michael and Vick
Day in Al-Anon Main Speakers:
Mary Ann M. - AA
Lori G. - Al-Anon
DIA Step 1
DIA filling Your Toolbox
DIA Share Double Winners Robert B.
DIA Adult Child
DIA Finding The God Of Your Understanding
Day In Al-Anon Main Speakers:
Robert B. - Al-Anon
Terry P. - AA
Step 1: When our lives are unmanageable - Gary G. & Vijay
Step 3: Made a decision: Bev L. & Deana T.
The 1,2,3 Waltz: Vic A. & Jim S.
Tools for working the steps: Rosanna H. & Vim T.
AA Panel
When we trip on the steps: Ed M. & Cliff
Step 1-12: Why we keep stepping - Livia & Betsy
Fall Fest Speakers:
Charlie T. - Al-Anon
Elaine S. Al-Anon
Rick S. - AA
Day In Al-Anon Speakers:
Marilyn H. - Al-Anon
Karl N. - AA