
Scientific Publications

Rebelo, A.J., J. Glenday, P.B. Holden, S. Gokool, D. Gwapedza, P. Metho, and J Tanner (2024). Structural differences across hydrological models affect certainty of predictions of nature-based solution benefits. Ecological Modelling. 110940.

Rebelo, A.J., P.M. Holmes, A.G. Rebelo, S. Martin, S. Hattas, S. Hall, and K.J. Esler (2024). Soil seed bank resilience in passively restored endangered Sand Fynbos following a century of pine plantations. Plants, People, Planet. 1–15.

Frenzel, P., O. Brunings, K.J. Esler, D.C. le Maitre, and A.J. Rebelo (2024). How well do endemic wetland plant species perform in water purification? Wetlands. 1-18.

Van Cleemput, E. P.B. Adler, K. Nash Suding, A.J. Rebelo, B. Poulter, L.E. Dee (2024). Scaling-up ecological understanding with remote sensing and causal inference, Trends in Ecology & Evolution,

Hale, S.E., L. Tann, A.J. Rebelo, K.J. Esler, A.P.M. de Lima, A.F. Rodrigues, A.E. Latawiec, N.A. Ramírez-Agudelo, E. Roca Bosch, L. Suleiman, N. Singh, A.M.P. Oen (2023). Evaluating Nature-Based Solutions for Water Management in Peri-Urban Areas. Water 15 (5), 893.

van Velden, J.L., Biggs, R.1, Hichert, T., Booth, P., Büchner-Marais, C., Esler, K.J., Lewarne, M., Potgieter, L.J., Rahlao, S., Rebelo, A.J., Robinson-Smythe, T., van Wilgen, N.J., and D.M. Richardson (2023) Futures for invasive alien species management: using bottom-up innovations to envision positive systemic change. Sustainability Science.

de Lima, A.P.M., A.F. Rodrigues, A.E. Latawiec, V. Dib, F.D. Gomes, V. Maioli, I. Pena, F. Tubenchlak, A.J. Rebelo, K.J. Esler, A.M.P. Oen, N.A. Ramírez-Agudelo, ER. Bosch, N. Singh, L. Suleiman, and S. E. Hale. (2022). Framework for Planning and Evaluation of Nature-Based Solutions for Water in Peri-Urban Areas. Sustainability. 14:1-15.

Holden, P.B., Rebelo A.J., Wolski P., Odoulami R.C., Lawal K.A., Kimutai J., Nkemelang T., and New M.G. (2022). Nature-based solutions reduce impact of anthropogenic climate change on hydrological drought risk. Nature Communications Earth & Environment. 3(51). Communications Earth & Environment0.1038/s43247-022-00379-9.  

Rebelo, A.J., Holden, P.B., Hallowes, J., Eady, B., Cullis, J., Esler K.J., and M.G. New. (2022). The hydrological benefits of investing in ecological infrastructure: Invasive alien tree clearing in the Berg and Breede Catchments, South Africa. Journal of Hydrology. 610.

Rebelo, A.J., Sieben E., Meire P. and K. Esler. (2022). What drives patchiness in palmiet wetlands? Wetland Ecology & Management. 30: 785–811.

du Plessis, N.S., Rebelo, A.J., Richardson D.M., and K.J. Esler (2022). Guiding long-term restoration of riparian ecosystems degraded by plant invasions in peri-urban areas: Insights from South Africa. Ambio. 51: 1552–1568.

Rebelo, A.J., Gokool, S., Holden, P.B. and M. G. New. (2021). Can Sentinel-2 be used to detect invasive alien trees and shrubs in Savanna and Grassland Biomes? Remote Sensing Applications: Society & Environment. 23.

Rebelo, A.J., Holden, P.B. Esler, K.J., and New, M.G. (2021). Benefits of water-related ecological infrastructure investments to support sustainable land use: A review of evidence from critically water-stressed catchments in South Africa. Royal Society Open Science. 8(4).

Midgley, S.J.E., Esler, K.J., Holden, P.B., Rebelo, A.J., Stuart-Hill, S.I, Cullis, J.D.S. and N. Methner. (2021). Typologies of collaborative governance for scalable nature-based solutions in two strategic South African river systems. Ambio. 1-23.

Walters, D., Kotze, D., Rebelo, A.J., Pretorius, L. Job, N. Lagesse, J., and E. Riddell. (2021). Validation of a rapid wetland ecosystem services assessment technique using the Delphi Method. Ecological Indicators. 125.

Holden,* P.B, Rebelo*, A.J., and New, M.G. (2021). Mapping Invasive Alien Trees in Water Towers: A combined approach using satellite imagery, drone technology and expert engagement. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 21: 100448. *EQUAL LEAD AUTHORS

Rebelo, A.J., Jarmain, C., Esler, K.J., Cowling R. M., and D. C. Le Maitre (2020). Water-use characteristics of palmiet (Prionium serratum), an endemic South African wetland plant. WaterSA. 46(4): 558–572.

Rebelo, A.J., Morris, C., Meire P. and Esler, K.J. (2019). Ecosystem services provided by South African palmiet wetlands: a case for investment in strategic water source areas. Ecological Indicators. 101: 71-80.

Rebelo, A.J., Emsens, W., Meire P., and Esler K.J. (2018). The impact of anthropogenically induced degradation on the vegetation and biochemistry of South African palmiet wetlands. Wetland Ecology & Management. 26(6): 1157–1171.

Rebelo, A.J., Emsens, W., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2018). Quantification of water purification in South African Palmiet Wetlands. Water Science & Technology. 78(5):1199-1207.

Rebelo, A.J., Somers, B., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2018). Plant functional trait data and reflectance spectra for 22 palmiet wetland species. Data in Brief. 20: 1209–1219.

Rebelo, A.J., Somers, B., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2018). Can wetland plant functional groups be spectrally discriminated? Remote Sensing of Environment. 210: 25-34.

Rebelo, A.J., Rebelo A.G., Rebelo A.D. & Bronner G.N. (2019). Clear-felling of pine plantations in threatened fynbos habitats does not restore successional small mammal communities. African Ecology. 57(2): 212-225. DOI: 10.1111/aje.12591.

Rebelo, A.J., Scheunders P., Esler K.J., and Meire P. (2017). Detecting, mapping and classifying wetland fragments at a landscape scale. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment. 8: 212-223.

Boerema* A., Rebelo*, A.J., Bodi M.B., Esler K.J, and Meire P. (2017). Is the reality of ecosystem services adequately quantified? Journal of Applied Ecology. 54: 358–370. *EQUAL LEAD AUTHORS

Rebelo, A.J., Le Maitre D., Esler K.J., & Cowling R.M. (2015). Hydrological responses of a valley-bottom wetland to land-use/land-cover change in a South African catchment: making a case for wetland restoration. Restoration Ecology. 23(6): 829–841

Esler, K and A.J. Rebelo. (2014). Book Review: Quantifying Functional Biodiversity. African Journal of Range & Forage Science. 1-2.

Crookes, D.J., Blignaut, J.N., de Wit, M.P., Esler, K.J., Le Maitre, D.C., et al. and A.J. Rebelo. (2013). System dynamic modelling to assess economic viability and risk trade-offs for ecological restoration in South Africa. Journal of Environmental Management. 120:138-147.

Rebelo A.J., Le Maitre D., Esler K.J., and Cowling R.M. (2012). Are We Destroying Our Insurance Policy? The Effects of Alien Invasion and Subsequent Restoration. A case study of the Kromme River System, South Africa. Chapter 16 in Landscape Ecology Book. Springer. Eds: B. Fu and K.B. Jones. Pp 335-364.

Bird, M., J. Day, and A.J. Rebelo. (2012). Physico-chemical impacts of terrestrial alien vegetation on temporary wetlands in a sclerophyllous Sand fynbos ecosystem. Hydrobiologia. 711(1): 115-128.

Popular Articles

Rebelo, A.J. (2025) Environment facility grant a huge boost for SA's peatlands. Cape Times. 4 February 2025.

Rebelo, A.J., et al. (2024) SWS Scientists exchange ideas with Chinese wetland scientists about wetland restoration including the use of constructed wetlands. Wetland Science & Practice, October 2024: 274-280.

Holden, P., Hoffman T, Djenontin INS, Esler K, Gannon K, Humphrey G, Mbidzo M, Mtati N, New M, Ndlovu V, Razafimanantsoa AHI, Rebelo AJ, Savory S, Thorn JPR, Visser M & Ziervogel G (2023). Stories of social (in)equity in nature-based solutions.

Rebelo, A.J., K.J. Esler and D.C. Le Maitre (2023) New project aims to map alien invasive trees. Waterwheel. Feb 2023.  

Rebelo, A.J., P.B. Holden, K.J. Esler, and M. New (2022) Removing alien plants can save water: we measured how much. The Conversation. May 2022.  

Holden, P.B., A.J. Rebelo, J. Kimutai, K.A. Lawal, P. Wolski, R.C. Odoulami, T. Nkemeland, and M. New (2022) Clearing alien trees can help reduce climate change impact on Cape Town’s water supply. March 2022.  

Rebelo, A.J. (2021) SA's rich plant heritage: Fighting biodiversity loss. News24. May 2021. 

Kotze, D. & Rebelo, A.J. (2021) Win-win with What-The Hack Workout. Veld & Flora.   

Rebelo, A.J. & Esler, K.J. (2021) Why the fire on Cape Town’s iconic Table Mountain was particularly devastating. The Conversation. April 2021. 

Rebelo, A.J. & Coertze, N. (2021) Mapping alien trees to protect our forests. News24. March 2021. 

Rebelo, A.J. & Coertze, N. (2021) Tracking alien trees using satellite imagery at Tokai Park. February 2021.   

Rebelo, A.J. (2020) Stellenbosch University student plans to use a combination of satellite imagery and drone footage to map alien trees in the Garden Route Dam catchment. The George Herald. August 2020.  

Rebelo, A.J., Holmes, P. M., Esler, K.J., Samways, M.J. and Rebelo, A.G. (2020) Cape Town’s climate strategy isn’t perfect, but every African city should have one. The Conversation. 10 November 2020. 

Rebelo, A.G., and Rebelo, A.J. (2020) Fynbos, dwarf chameleons and butterflies: The nature of the lockdown. News24. 27 July 2020.  

Rebelo, A.J., Holden, P.B., New, M., Rebelo. A.G., Johnston, P., Nkemeland, T., and Le Maitre, D.C. (2019) What science tells us about fire hazards facing Cape Town and its surrounds. The Conversation. October 11, 2019 

Rebelo, A.J. & Methner, N. (2019) Protecting our water-related ecological infrastructure -by building an investment case. Waterwheel. Sept 2019. 

Rebelo, A.J. & Rebelo A. G. (2019) Cape Nature is in dire straits. 28 July 2019. Weekend Argus.   

Rebelo, A.J. & Morris, C. (2019) Financial incentives could spur cities and land owners to protect wetlands The Conversation. 5 June 2019.  

Rebelo, A.J. (2018) Mapping valley-bottom palmiet wetlands: where are they now and how has that changed? Veld & Flora. December 2018. 

Rebelo, A.J., Le Maitre, D.C. (2018). Breaking down the myth that planting forests could help drought regions. Cape Times 4 June 2018, Page 9. 

Rebelo A.J., Le Maitre D., Esler K.J., and Cowling R.M. (2013). Restoring the Kromme. Veld & Flora. December 2013. Page 202-203. 

Rebelo, A.J., and K. Gull. (2011). Urban Water Use. TIPS Policy Brief. March 2012. Available: 

Radio and TV Interviews

6 May 2022, TV Interview: Alien trees are threatening water supplies. Newzroom Africa:  

6 May 2022, Radio Interview: Radio 786: 15:25. Alien trees and water. 

1 June 2021, Radio Interview: Cape Talk: 8:10, Refilwe Moloto, Breakfast Show. The Tokai-Cecilia Management Framework.  

22 April 2021, Radio Interview: Cape Talk: 8h10, Refilwe Moloto, Breakfast Show. The Cape Town Fire.  

17 November 2020, Radio Interview: 08h20-08h25; Mr Stephen Grootes; SAFM. The CoCT Draft Climate Change Strategy.!podcast  

13 November 2020, Radio Interview: 09h20-09h28; Mr Inayet Wadee; Salaamedia. The CoCT Draft Climate Change Strategy,  

16 October 2019, TV Interview: Experts worry about Cape fire season. ENCA:  

14 October 2019, TV Interview: SAWA holds an indaba on Wetlands and Climate Change. SABC:  

7 June 2019, Radio Interview: 10h10-10h20; Jeremy van Wyk; Cape Talk Upfront with Refilwe Moloto show: 

1 March 2019, Radio Interview: 14h10-14h30; Pippa Hudson; Cape Talk afternoon show (1-3pm):   

10 August 2018, TV Interview: Wetlands in the Western Cape are being seriously threatened. SABC2 News:   

5 Jun 2018, Radio Interview: 4:40 into insert, RSG: World Environment Day 

5 June 2018, Radio Interview:

Short Films

2023 Extinction Rebellion - The story of Tokai Park's plant diversity:  

2024 The Plight of South Africa's Peculiar Peatlands: