
These projects were built from scratch with no copying code from any place. They were reviewed by project mentors for better code reviews. They helped me learn each topic on android development by building staff on my own.

Udacity SingleAppScreen

A single-app screen using best practices, layouts and views like ScroolView, ImageView, many more.I learn best practices

Udacity Score-Keeper-app

An football app that gives a user the ability to keep track scores and fouls of two different teams playing.

Udacity Score-Keeper-app

clicking the reset button, resets all scores back to zero


An Argumented reality App that utilizes map box APIs to scan hard color printed maps to display cities The app uses

  • map box API

  • Vuforia camera

  • C#


This prototype currently displays the cities, population, touristis places on reality. In future i hope to integrate google maps API so that it can help tourists traveling to places using the maps Currently helps Primary kids in Oman to undersatand their geographical features.

Udacity Quiz App

An quiz app to practice user inputs using editText, radioButtons and checkboxes. Users start learning and answering questions.

Udacity Quiz App

If a question is wrong it will be displayed as wrong and if correct, it will be displayed as correct

Udacity Quiz App

The app shows the result summary and also a toast message

Udacity -Muziki App

A music app implementing RecycleView as cutomized listviews in android to populate data. Using custom Adapters and custom objects to display data into ArrayList datastructures. beest practices with onclicklistners

Udacity -Muziki App

User navigation using back button while on specific activities

  • Navigation using Fragments with ViewPager plus TableLayout

  • customer class objects with an ArrayAdapter

  • Recycleviewer for memory management

Implicit intents swith putExtra to get the image and description of the itemclicked on the recycleView

News Feed app which gives a user regularly-updated news from the Internet related to a particular topic, person, or location.

  1. Connecting to an API(

  2. Parsing the JSON response

  3. Updating news information regularly on listview

  4. Using Loaders, LoaderManager.LoaderCallbacks

  5. Doing network operations independent of the Activity lifecycle using background threads

  6. Use Uri.Builder class to add query parameters to the URL

onClicking news item should load the news a new activity

  1. Handling error cases gracefully, like logs/printstacks

  2. Show no interent connction incase of lack of internet

  3. Show no news articles found in case of a broken URL