
History Day Judging and Scoresheets 


History day projects are judged as follows:  Historical Quality (60%); Relation to Theme (20%), and Clarity of Presentation (20%). There are three (3) judges in each judging team for each category. Judges rely on consensus judging that means that instead of giving entries numeric scores, they will be ranked. See the judging forms below to better understand how history day projects are judged. 


NHD-California History Day Scoresheets  

 Judging Scoresheets/Rubrics:  Documentary * Exhibit * Paper * Performance * Poster  * Website 

Practice your Interview

Look your best for your interview. Stand straight and practice with your group members if you're in a group.  Have someone ask you the questions below so you are confident with the judges at the history day contest.

In each category, interviews last between 5 and 10 minutes. These are some of the questions students should be prepared to answer.


Project Categories 

Research Resources