Call for Judges!

Judge information 2024

We are pleased to announce that competition for History Day students in Alameda County will take place on Saturday, March 2, 2024 at Mendenhall Middle School, Livermore. Please save the date! If you judged last year, we would love to have you join our team again. Students from 4th through 12th grades all over Alameda County have been researching and planning projects to show their findings around the theme “Turning Points in History.” Our competition will give them important feedback needed to refine their work and possibly move on to State competition in Sacramento in April. 

We welcome new judges, too! We will train you, and partner you with an experienced judge. They will tell you that face-to-face interaction with these motivated, creative students and their historical thinking is personally very rewarding. Please let us know if we may add you to our judges’ list.

Thank you for supporting historical study among our young people. Judges are essential to making History Day meaningful, but we can use support in other ways, too. Please fill out one or both of our surveys attached and let us know how you’d like to help.

You may pass this message on to others who may be interested in doing so, too. 

We look forward to hearing from you soon and hope to see you on March 2!


Lauren Denarola

Anne Matarrese Everton

Roberta See

Alameda County History Day Committee

History Day Judging and Scoresheets 

 History day projects are judged as follows:  Historical Quality (60%); Relation to Theme (20%), and Clarity of Presentation (20%). There are three (3) judges in each judging team for each category. Judges rely on consensus judging that means that instead of giving entries numeric scores, they will be ranked. See the judging forms below to better understand how history day projects are judged. 

 NHD-California History Day Scoresheets  

Updated in 2021:  Judging Scoresheets/Rubrics:  Documentary * Exhibit * Paper * Performance * Poster  * Website