#root@[~]:$ whoami

Hello World

I'm,  Ashish Khare.

About Me 

I am a Cyber Security Enthusiast and a Hacker with an Ethical mindset.

I m having experience in Web-app security, SOC, SIEM, EDR, BAS, Incident Response, Vulnerability Assessment & Penetration Testing. I am experienced with tools like Splunk, burp suite, acunetix, Nessus, Metasploit, Nmap, Pentest tools,  and of course with Kali Linux & some GitHub open source tools like Amass, Aquatone…etc many more for finding the vulnerabilities in the web application and mobile application. Now what type of vulnerabilities I have found frequently will be account takeover, injections, privilege escalation, series of vulnerabilities leading to account takeover, LFI, XSS, OWASP Top 10, etc… Secured over 500+ Indian Government Websites acknowledged by NCIIPC unit of NTRO Govt.Of.INDIA.


Work Experience



B.E Computer Engineering (2019-2023)

HSC (2017-2019)

SSC (2016-2017)

