Training / Experience

Web Training and Related Experience

    • I completed a course from Gatlin Education Services to learn web design with HTML and dynamic HTML in 2004. I have a Certificate of Professional Development in the Webmaster Program and scored an average of 95.0% on the midterm and final exams.
    • Textbook: Creating Web Pages with HTML and Dynamic HTML, by Patrick Carey.
    • Since then I have taught myself to use Dreamweaver to a good extent to help automate creation of the features I learned to do by hand coding and then some. I am continuing to get familiar with and learn more about Dreamweaver. Also, I have used Photoshop and Imageready to create transparent GIFs with rollover effects. I use both Dreamweaver and Photoshop.
    • I have developed 5 and 10 page website packages as well as maintaining and making some additions to regular websites and WordPress/Joomla CMS based ones. Also developing slideshows and pages that interact with MySQL Databases. Some of my work and training included dynamic web pages (with text and images that change with user actions) and pages using PHP and forms with form verification. Some pages have had login capability. Notably the interactive prayer pages and prayer scheduler I have been working on which have developed into something very complex.
    • My background is mainly in Engineering and Computer programming, though I have done some teaching for a few years also. I am also doing some self-directed study and development to be a better manager for that aspect of things. I am familiar with regular PC's and Macs and use both during development
    • My Assistant/Secretary has some experience in maintaining a WordPress site and developing web pages using iWeb as well as some training/experience in business/management/teaching/etc.