Prayer Pages

Prayer Pages

The original Prayer Room I developed was a single room one with basic features.  I have since then developed additional features and options and different layout.  The page was moderated and some pages I have done for private use have not been moderated or can be moderated after-the-fact.  Some have had multiple prayer rooms, some of which are private.

A few years ago I developed on a more elaborate “Virtual Prayer Room” (VPR) containing 5 prayer rooms visible to regular users and private prayer rooms visible to the prayer team, administrators, or selected accounts.  Most of the prayer stations have circulating prayer lists (“queues”) where various users get different prayer requests from the queue for each station.  One station allowed users to type in prayer requests etc to be shared with others or with the prayer team only (by checking a checkbox).  It had login capability and users could schedule time slots to pray.  There is a count-down timer to help users pace themselves on visits to various stations.