Episode 5 puts creativity, mental health and transcendental experiences on the agenda this week with Monte Morgan, better recognised as one half of cult pop duo Client Liaison. Get ready to unpack a swag of good stuff including how to get in the flow of creative inspiration, why Prince-fandom is not the end game, and how a wellbeing journal could save you from yourself.

I worry that as we move towards being very conscious as a society and open minded and really wanting to include everybody, everybody must be included. I worry that what gets swept up in that is nobody should feel uncomfortable.

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There is a scene in the new feature film "Hidden Figures" where Octavia Spencer, portraying a real-life NASA mathematician, leads a group of her fellow African American women "computers" down a hall towards their new assignment.

"Like anything based on real-life events, there are some temporal things that, as a historian, are like, 'eh, that didn't really happen like that,' but I think that the movie is true to the stories of the main characters," he said. "On the whole I was very happy with the outcome."

For audiences watching "Hidden Figures" who think what they see on the screen happened exactly as depicted, they might believe Johnson, Jackson and Vaughan were close friends, that Al Harrison (Kevin Costner) was the head of the Space Task Group and that Johnson completed quick calculations as John Glenn waited on the launch pad to lift off. The real history, however, was different.

"You might get the indication in the movie that these were the only people doing those jobs, when in reality we know they worked in teams, and those teams had other teams," she said. "There were sections, branches, divisions, and they all went up to a director. There were so many people required to make this happen."

"Katherine Johnson saw the movie and she really liked it," said Shetterly. "So I think that is pretty much the highest praise you can give, when the person whose life is being shown on the screen says 'Yep, that kind of looks like it!'"

The sake lovers camp has been divided for years regarding sparkling sake. Some always keep dismissing it as a gimmick. Others praise the innovative way to attract new consumers. However, the scale is gravitating towards the latter. When I was judging IWC Sake in April, I realised that the quality of sparkling sake has shot up in recent years. Many sparkling sake I tasted that time were on par with very good champagne.

Using this kind of analysis, we were able find the interests, hobbies, tastes, and self-descriptions that are specially important to each racial group, as determined by the words of the group itself. The information in this article is not our opinion. It's data, aggregated from the essays of half a million real people.

As for the interests of white women, you have romance novels, some country music, and a broad selection of Good Housekeeping type stuff. It's also amazing the extent to which their list shows a pastoral or rural self-mythology: bonfires, boating, horseback riding, thunderstorms. I remind you that OkCupid's user base is almost all in large cities, where to one degree or another, if you find yourself doing much of any of these things, civilization has come to an end.

Hopefully it's been obvious that the font-size of a phrase indicates the relative frequency with which it appears. So, toggling between black men and black women above, you can see that while soul food is important to both, but it's really, really important to the women. In fact, soul food and black women is the single strongest phrase/group pair we found.

Before anyone gets too charged-up about this, we also ran reading level by religion and found this:Is there a Comic Sans version of the Bible? There really should be. We subdivided this chart further, by how serious each person was about their beliefs:

Hey Susannah! Mine was crazy runny too. I made it originally with the cornstarch, but afterwards when it was SO runny I just kept adding normal all-purpose flour til I could work with it. It was a little more grainy at first, but after I kneaded for a bit it got really smooth like all the other playdough I make. I hope this helps!!

I know that family can be hard and vacations with everyone can be overwhelming. But I want to encourage you as you enjoy the rest of this summer (and year!) that as you gather with family try to be intentional to really look at them, to see them and make them feel loved. Pray and ask God for opportunities to laugh and connect with one another so you can enjoy the blessings of friendships and community that God has given you.

The beach is nice and relaxing and reading books and all the wonderful things you could choose to do on vacation. But talk about the real stuff. Get to know those you love better. Make memories with them that you can cherish for a lifetime.

Mulkey pours her heart into recruiting, but she does not do social media. She has never been on a cruise. She either has to be driving or sitting in the front seat. She walks on her treadmill 30 to 45 minutes most days and then does some crunches. She is not a moviegoer, and if she watches a movie, "It's real," as she says.

"Tell him he does not need to redo that roof of his. He just needs to use that Wet & Forget Roof Repair. I gave him two bottles of it," Mulkey said. "Tell him to use that stuff and his roof will look just fine."

Mulkey realizes that she may be misunderstood by some in the general public. She knows people have their opinions about her, but she is quite comfortable in who she is. She lives her life and goes out and about as she pleases. She's focused on doing her job and says this year's basketball team has a lot of talent.

Wrapped 2023 highlights the "real stuff" amidst a barrage of increasingly AI-generated content. "We wanted to make it as a push to the onslaught of augmented stuff that came our way," Marie Rnn, the Global Group Creative Director at Spotify, told Mashable at a press briefing on Nov. 28. "We feel that all the music that people do and all the fan reactions is what is real. When someone wants to express something with their music, it's very real. And when we listen to a piece of music, that feeling we feel is very real."

The emphasis on realness in opposition to augmentation this year seems to contradict Spotify's own use of generative AI in 2023. Not only did it launch its AI DJ which uses a combination of personalization technology, generative AI, curation, and an AI voice, but it also introduced AI voice translation for select podcasts using Open-AI's voice-generating technology. Neither of which feels particularly real. After all, AI DJ is augmenting the way we listen to and discover new music.

Ultimately though, it was one of the original women who is depicted in "Hidden Figures" who perhaps offered the best endorsement for the film.

"Katherine Johnson saw the movie and she really liked it," said Shetterly. "So I think that is pretty much the highest praise you can give, when the person whose life is being shown on the screen says 'Yep, that kind of looks like it!'"

Return to collectSPACE in the week leading up to "Hidden Figures" opening on Jan. 6, 2017 for a more in-depth look at some of the history depicted in the film.

This is the million-dollar question for anyone looking to swap out meat-based bacon for health reasons. As far as nutrition and health benefits go, the stats aren't stellar: a whopping 40 calories per slice and zero grams of protein. That said, Awesomer Bacon has about 30% less salt than real bacon and about 1 less gram of fat per slice, too.

Almost immediately it began to sizzle and become translucent with oil and fat. Once again, the fake stuff was behaving much as real bacon would. One difference I noticed was whenever two pieces came in contact they would become immediately stuck and it took careful prying to separate them again. If you're making some, be sure to give each strip plenty of space.

The Awesomer Bacon seemed to firm and crisp up within a few minutes and in about half the time it takes real bacon to cook. I lifted a piece gently and saw it was beginning to brown on the bottom so I gave them all a flip.

While the texture was almost exactly like real bacon, the taste was slightly less dead-on but still very similar and about the best fake bacon substitute I've yet tried. There were sweet and smoky notes from natural smoke flavoring and maple syrup. There was also a good balance of salt and fat. The fatty pork flavor was just slightly muted compared to the real thing.

This week we're going to ease into getting started with real food and the best way to do that. Don't worry, we're going to be taking things nice and slowly. I'm going to be talking about the definition of Real Food, and The Dirty Dozen and Clean 15 list. We'll break this down into nice, digestible, tasty chunks so that no one gets overwhelmed or stressed out. And if you do, here is a healthified ice cream recipe for you to try because ice cream makes everything better. Am I right? Of course I'm right. Psh- never doubt me y'all. Nevah!

Ā There are a few schools of thought regarding what constitutes real food. Personally, I don't get too hung up on the rules that others have placed or try to enforce regarding the definition of Real Food. I think we have too many rules with respect to food as it is. Why is food so complicated? Who made it that way and why? They need to be punched in the kisser. Seriously. Anyway, I believe in real food guidelines because what if a rule works perfectly for me, but doesn't for you and your family? Then what? Oh, I know- the Real Food Pharisees get to come out and throw stones at you, and then you are riddled with shame and you throw in the towel and stuff a box of Twinkies in your pie hole to help deal with the guilt of being a complete failure when it comes to food. Yeah, that's not counterproductive at all. In our upcoming posts, we'll talk about those food guidelines, but for now, Real Food is anything that isn't fake or genetically modified or made with synthetic, or chemical ingredients. It was made by nature and not by men and women in lab coats. Lab coats are for Clinique. ? Kidding. When it comes to processed foods, meaning it comes in a package, "Real" means that it should have very few ingredients, which are all real, true food ingredients, and you can pronounce them. There are some bloggers who say never buy a packaged food that has more than 5 ingredients. Well, what if I want to buy some organic cinnamon raisin bread from my local bakery and they used 9 ingredients in the making of this bread- then what? Stress out? Cry? Fall into a puddle on the floor and suck my thumb? Refuse to buy it because it's not "real" enough? Heck no! I buy it! I know the bakery, I know the ingredients, I know how to pronounce every single ingredient on their label and it's minimally processed. e24fc04721

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