Of late my laptop's battery performance has taken a sharp dip. While looking at the processes running, I noticed a lot of "runtime broker .exe"s running. Can someone tell me what this is? And also any hacks for improving battery life?

Uninstall apps that use runtime broker

One particular culprit is the Photos app within Windows 10. If you have lots of images stored on your machine, Photos will try to index them all for future use. This can cause your computer to show the error.

Download Runtime Broker

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Overall this custom run is good. My expectation is that there have been no new flagging or mentions by security programs about "runtimebroker".

If today you have some warnings on this machine, then let me know.

I have questions. What exactly is flagging "runtimebroker" ? ( 2) what is the exact PATH location? (3) One thing you must keep in mind, there is a legitimate system file at c:\windows\system32\runtimebroker.exe

By "flag" I meant what security program, like Microsoft Defender, or Kaspersky, or ESET or other actual security application has tagged or identified a threat from "runtimebroker.exe"?

I am looking for a real security program to identify the threat and then for it to remove it. Or else, by the use of a custom Fixlist that I relay to you.

Yes, we here know very well there are rogue "runtimebroker" trojans out there. But there is also a valid legitimate one at c:\windows\system32\runtimebroker. However not valid if right at C:\windows folder itself. Please leave the deletion and the guidance to me.

I need you to not manually delete the file. I want to ( if we see the file at C:\window ) to upload a sample up to the Virustotal security website.

This is the link where you can upload a copy.

You go to this link 

click on the "Choose file" and follow the standard prompt to navigate to where the c:\windows\runtimebroker.exe is on your machine. Be sure the proper one is select and upload to that site.

When you get a screen diagnosis, copy the link address and relay that to me in a reply here.

it is quite normal for a few occurences of files named runtimebroker.exe to be in Windows OS areas like




we do not mess with those. Those are both areas where the operating system stores various system updates.

You gotta understand, that if there were a actual infection, it would be caught by Microsoft Defender or by Malwarebytes.

I am marking this case for closure.

You can read a bit more about "runtimebroker" at How-to-Geek


My first thought was the advanced power settings/updates, but you said you covered that base.

I've seen this happen before because of heat.. but if you are sitting at idle I doubt that is the problem. You would have to be running some old, (or very poorly cooled, and well insulated) hardware. Usually they will kick off at around 100c, but I doubt that is your issue, its most likely the way the broker is configured. 

I would disable the broker and see if you still have the symptom. 

 -US/e842cf6e-7576-4b2e-94d6-64350670d01a/runtimebroker... Opens a new window

I am not saying to leave it like that, but once you know for sure that's the issue you can go from there. 

The Runtime Broker is an official Microsoft process that is used to determine if Universal Apps obtained from the Windows Store advertise all of their permissions. Put simply, this process can be found in Windows 8 and Windows 10 and can help you determine, for example, the ability to access your location or microphone. Typically, runtimebroker.exe runs in the background, but you may notice an increase in its activity when you launch a universal application.

You cannot disable the Runtime Broker system process because it is necessary to protect your security and privacy when running Universal Apps. In general, runtimebroker.exe almost never bothers you when it works correctly. And when you think that the process slows down your system and does not work properly, you can always open the Task Manager, find and select runtime broker exe with the right mouse button. Then, just click on End Task, and after a few seconds, Runtime Broker will restart automatically. However, for a few seconds before restarting the process, Universal Apps will be unable to access trust settings or may not load at all.

 I have run into this problem. The message is that Safe Files blocked runtimebroker.exe attempting to change a file in the pictures folder. I am running BD AV Plus 2018 (v22.0.13.169) on Win10 Home 64bit. As the others have noted, it seems like it should not be necessary to specially permit a Windows system process to access files.

Hmm, there is a temporary fix for the stutters, open task manager when forza motorsport 7 is running, expand the forzamotorsport7.exe, there should be a runtime broker running below it, end runtime broker, stutters should be gone**

* When invoking an API registered in the API Management solution pack, you get an exception like the following in the trace:

java exception: com.vordel.circuit.CircuitAbortException: Unknown parameter 'example' specified at com.vordel.apiportal.runtime.Broker$InvokedMethod.checkParams(Broker.java:413) at com.vordel.apiportal.runtime.Broker$InvokedMethod.processParameters(Broker.java:382) at com.vordel.apiportal.runtime.Broker$InvokedMethod.invoke(Broker.java:575) at com.vordel.apiportal.runtime.Broker$InvokedMethod.access$700(Broker.java:253) at 

com.vordel.apiportal.runtime.Broker.processRequest(Broker.java:811) at com.vordel.dwe.http.HTTPPlugin.invokeDispose(HTTPPlugin.java:379) at com.vordel.dwe.http.HTTPPlugin.invoke(HTTPPlugin.java:173) 

When you install AMQ Broker, a Prometheus metrics plugin is included in your installation. Prometheus is software built for monitoring large, scalable systems and storing historical runtime data over an extended time period. You must modify the broker configuration to enable the plugin. When enabled, the plugin collects runtime metrics for the broker and exports these to Prometheus format. You can then use Prometheus to review the metrics. You might also use a graphical tool such as Grafana to configure more advanced visualizations of the data.

The Prometheus metrics plugin enables you to collect and export broker metrics in Prometheus format. However, Red Hat does not provide support for installation or configuration of Prometheus itself, nor of visualization tools such as Grafana. If you require support with installing, configuring, or running Prometheus or Grafana, visit the product websites for resources such as community support and documentation.

In addition to the broker metrics collected by the Prometheus plugin, you can modify the broker configuration to capture standard sets of metrics relating to the host Java Virtual Machine (JVM) for the broker. Specifically, you can capture JVM metrics for Garbage Collection (GC), memory, and threads.

To monitor the health and performance of your broker instances, you can use the Prometheus plugin for AMQ Broker to monitor and store broker runtime metrics. The AMQ Broker Prometheus plugin exports the broker runtime metrics to Prometheus format, enabling you to use Prometheus itself to visualize and run queries on the data.

For higher-level broker metrics that are not listed above, you can calculate these by aggregating lower-level metrics. For example, to calculate total message count, you can aggregate the artemis_message_count metrics from all queues in your broker deployment.

For an on-premise deployment of AMQ Broker, metrics for the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) hosting the broker are also exported to Prometheus format. This does not apply to a deployment of AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform.

When you install AMQ Broker, a Prometheus metrics plugin is included in your installation. Although the plugin is already configured for use, you need to enable the plugin in your broker configuration. When enabled, the plugin collects runtime metrics for the broker and exports these to Prometheus format.

If you do not explicitly add the jvm-memory parameter to your configuration and specify a value, the broker uses a default value of true. This means that the broker exports JVM memory metrics by default. The default values of the jvm-gc and jvm-threads parameters are false.

Client runtime support is provided in libraries that you use when buildingand running Message Queue clients. You can think of the client runtime asthe part of the Message Queue service that enables the client. For example,when client code makes an API call to send a message, code in these librariesis invoked that packages the message bits appropriately for the protocol thatwill be used to relay the message to a physical destination on the broker.

The C client runtime supplies C clients with the functionsand structures needed to interact with the broker. It supports a proceduralversion of the JMS programming model. C clients cannot use JNDI to accessadministered objects, but can create connection factories and destinationsprogrammatically. Message Queue provides the C API to enable legacy C andC++ applications to participate in JMS-based messaging.

However, Message Queue Java clients are able to send and receive SOAPmessages, encapsulated as JMS messages. By encapsulating a SOAP message ina JMS message and delivering it using the broker, you can take advantage offull featured Message Queue messaging, which guarantees reliable deliveryand also allows you to use the publish/subscribe domain. Message Queue providesutility routines that a message producer can use to encapsulate a SOAP messageas a JMS message and that a message consumer can use to extract a SOAP messagefrom the JMS message. Message Queue also provides XML schema validation ofthe encapsulated XML message. e24fc04721

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