About HM Lab

Research in our group is focused on two major fields 

I. Bio-imaging Probes 

Our lab uses molecular design, organic synthesis, and bioimaging approaches to create new chemical methods, especially two-photon fluorescent probe, for sensing and studying fundamental aspects of biological events, and early diagnosis of human disorders.

II. Optical and Electronic Materials

We also pursue a variety of nonlinear optical and two-photon absorption materials for possible applications in opto-electronics and devices.


Address: Woncheon Hall 102 (Main Lab), Energy Center 110 (Imaging Lab), 

                Ajou University,  206, World cup-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16499, Republic of Korea 

Tel.: +82-31-219-2613 (Synthesis Lab), +82-31-219-2693 (Imaging Lab)