Coordination, Collaboration, and Outreach Subcommittee

Curtis Bradley (NC DOT),

Marwa Hassan (LSU),

Larry Rilett (Auburn),

Scope:  This subcommittee actively supports, monitors, and develops methods, practices, and tools to enable coordination and collaboration, and provides outreach to the TRB and broader research communities to influence a coordinated national transportation research agenda.

Work Underway: Current activities include coordination with the National Transportation Knowledge Network, Council of University Transportation Centers; supporting collaboration through the Research Program and Project Management website and the TRB Research Funding guide; and engaging with the NCHRP 20-123(09) scoping study for an innovations platform. In addition, this subcommittee serves TRB technical committees by assisting with joint sessions, workshops, and panel discussions.

Subcommittee Updates

Research Through Deployment of Emerging Topics Subcommittee


Brian Hirt, CTC & Associates, LLC, 

Dr. Giri Venkiteela, New Jersey DOT, 


Jerry Spears, Maaza Mekuria, Bret Johnson, Stephanie Harrell, Derrick Grimes, John Karachepone, Skip Paul, and Stephanie Dock.

Scope: Connect RIIM committee products, services, and expertise to TRB committees that address selected emerging topics, and incorporate new ideas pertinent to RIIM on these emerging topics.

Meeting Minutes

Work Underway:

Transportation Innovation Lifecycle 


Harold Paul,

Innovation was added to the committee scope of the combined Research and Technology Transfer Committees during the 2020 TRB realignment. Workshop 1030, Defining the Transportation Innovation Life Cycle, was conducted  during the virtual 2021 TRB Annual Meeting. There were diverse presentations (e.g., university, private, USDOT, state DOTs) and a robust discussion in the breakout groups. That workshop was a beginning and we found both strong interest in the exploration of innovation as well as breadth of ways to consider it. Innovation is the newest and weakest aspect of our committee so we proposed this subcommittee to focus on building structure and competence. The work will include roadmaps, innovation lifecycle, integration, outreach, etc.

Scope: The scope of this subcommittee is to define the innovation lifecycle as well as methods and opportunities to support innovation within the transportation community. The work will include roadmaps, transportation innovation lifecycle, integration, outreach, etc. This work will be connected closely with RIIM research task group.

Work Underway:  During the TRB 2023 Annual Meeting, the Subcommittee presented the following:  Transportation Innovation Lifecycle Process and Transportation Innovation Lifecycle with Elements.

Short term goals:


Long term goals:

Next subcommittee meeting will be held  Monday March 25, 2024, 11 am Central Time (calendar invite) and the following items will be discussed: