Terms and Conditions
IA Dr Charles Zworestine (NSW)
IA Dr Peter Tsai (Vic)
IA Dr Andrew Hardegen (WA)
FA Hui Lam Teh (WA)
FA-elect Dennis Holland (WA)
NA/FM Yihe (Rebo) Fu (WA)
Child Safety and Behaviour Policy
By entering the Australian Junior Chess Championships 2025 or attending as an accompanying person, you are agreeing to abide by the rules and policies published on this page, elsewhere on this website or posted at the venue. This event is also governed by the West Australian Government’s regulations on Child Safety. As this event is being organised by the Chess Association of Western Australia, this event will be adopting their “Child Safe” and “Code of Conduct” policies which are posted below.
Child Safety and Abuse Prevention Policy
CAWA promotes the enjoyment of chess for all members, visiting participants and supporters. A safe and supportive environment is an essential component for the enjoyment of chess. Of particular importance is the safety and care of the many children who attend. This environment must at all times remain free from abuse.
Abuse can occur in many forms:
physical (eg. smacking or any action that has the potential to injure or cause pain regardless of how minor that injury or pain may be);
sexual (eg. inappropriate comments, suggestions or touching);
emotional (eg. unsupportive chastising following a non perfect outcome or move);
neglect (eg. failure to provide appropriate shelter, food, clothing and hygiene necessities).
CAWA has ZERO TOLERANCE to any form of abuse.
To monitor child safety and prevent abuse, CAWA will:
ensure adults overseeing activities involving children hold an approved “Working With Children” clearance;
review child safety matters at each Committee meeting;
take appropriate actions where upon review it is deemed this policy has been breached (actions may include counseling, informal or formal warnings, club bans or referring a matter to the police or other relevant authority).
Any behavioural concerns should immediately be raised with the arbiter in charge of an event or any committee member.
Code Of Conduct
CAWA promotes the enjoyment of chess for all members, visiting participants and supporters. All involved (participants, supporters or spectators) are required to behave appropriately including:
Compliance with the “Child Safety and Behaviour Policy”;
Not seeking assistance or providing any outside assistance to chess games in progress either through comment, discussion, electronic device or any other means;
Agreeing to abide with any decision or direction from the Arbiter of an event;
Not discussing or agreeing the outcome or the direction of any chess game prior to or during the game, except with an offer or acceptance of a drawn game;
Not causing any distraction to participants, through noise, proximity or any other action.
Respecting all in attendance (eg. observing common courtesy);
For the protection of all junior competitors playing in the Australian Junior Chess Championships or any other chess event associated with the junior championships, a strict “Nut Free” policy will be adhered to at all times. Additionally, any food allergies or intolerance must be reported at the time of booking your child/children’s ticket or communicated with the event committee organisers as soon as possible.
Whilst there will be first aid staff present throughout the junior championships, it is essential that parents bring any essential medication and/or medical equipment (such as an EpiPen) as well as a health action plan if their child/children are at any risk of anaphylaxis.
The “Code Of Ethics” for the Australian Chess Federation can be found on its website under “By-Laws”.
Any concerns should immediately be raised with the arbiter in charge of an event or any committee member.
Breaches of this Code of Conduct may be addressed by counseling, informal or formal warnings, club bans or referring a matter to the police or other relevant authority.
Tournament Rules
All games are played in accordance with the ACF Code of Ethics and the FIDE Laws of Chess..
Time controls:
All tournament games will be played with a time control. The time control will alter from tournament to tournament, but will always have an initial allotted time for each player plus an increment that will be awarded at the completion of each move made. Please refer to the Time Control section in the terms and conditions section for more detailed information.
A player may opt to take a maximum of one (1) half-point bye per tournament. No half-point byes will be available in the final three (3) rounds of any tournament.
The forfeit time for all Classical tournaments – where players start with one (1) or more hours – is thirty (30) minutes from the commencement of play.
There is no forfeit time for the Australian Junior Blitz Championship -- instead, a player forfeits if the time on their clock eclipses without them arriving at the board.
Electronic devices:
Players are not permitted to have any electronic devices on their person if their game is in progress; unless prior approval was given to them by an Aus Chess Champ official. This is not limited to only mobile phones, but any device that can receive external transmissions. All such devices must be completely switched off, and they can only be kept in the player’s bag, else the device cannot be anywhere within the venue or its immediate surrounds. If a player is found to have breached this rule, then their game shall be declared lost (with the opponent being awarded a win).
Photography and Videography:
Only authorised photographers may take photographs within the playing venue. All other photography can only be taken with prior consent from the 2025 AJCC organisers.
Participating players, and/or parents/guardians of participating players, consent to the above and also consent to publication of photographic material on the CAWA website, the ACF website, and elsewhere as the CAWA and ACF deem appropriate.
Official event photographers as designated by the Organiser shall be allowed to take photos at any time during or in between each round – without the use of a flash.
No Food in the Playing Hall:
Please note that players are not permitted to consume food or drink in the playing hall. Bottled water is permitted.