

The basics of creating a character for an Airships and Arcanists campaign.

Keeping falling from great heights dangerous, even for high level characters.

Utilizing Flaws to gain Inspiration points that don't suck.

Insight detects emotional truth more than lying. And the better you know someone, the better you are at it.

A rule for narrative use of Inspiration Points.

Tailored to the world of Airships and Arcanists... or any Steampunk world.

A fun (but more time-consuming) mini-game for special locks.

Ancient sites which grant spellcasters additional power.

Extra uses of special abilities at the cost of exhaustion.

Changing how a spell works on the fly, with the goal of better fitting the moment.

- RaceS -

A clockwork race for Airships and Arcanists, or any steampunk setting.