What is it? 

It’s steampunk, airships, shard pistols, fireballs and dragons, floating islands and pirate kings.

Ship graveyards in the ether. Mechanized golems and arcanicraft races. Magic vs. technology. Gods vs. mortals.

Ancient, magical civilizations transformed by dirty industry and the tycoons that run it.

Wyld Syvani shardslingers. Rebel druids vs. Imperial inquisitors. Angry fey.

Durin mines belching black clouds from the deeps.

Mad Dinari tinkers, weird and wonderful gadgets, demons at the fringes. 


A repository for 5e Role Playing materials, linked to my homebrew setting of Aeranos, with lots of general DnD uses.

If you enjoy what you find here, you can help me grow the collection by supporting my Patreon