regas air conditioning

Having an Air Conditioning System Professional Re-gassed

Most modern AC systems will rely on high pressure gas formulas in order to operate and although these gases are capable of lasting for years at a time, there’s always the risk that canisters can expire, or that leaks can develop which can affect the consistency of gas flow. An air con regas project can be very straight forward, although it is advised that only professionals deal with the task as the pressure can be very dangerous to handle.

Recognising the type of gas needed

The first thing that an AC repair expert will do is to identify the type of gas needed. Regardless of whether the system is present within a home, or if it is a vehicle’s air conditioning in question – the professional will perform a few checks and review the data provided within the gas flow chamber itself, before deciding on the type.

In most instances, the gas used will be R410A, a vapour like substance that can withstand high pressures and deal with changes in temperature easily. There are half a dozen types however and it’s important to ensure the right one is utilised – otherwise pressure build ups may occur and this can be dangerous.

Removing old canisters

Once identified, the gas canister can be removed and disposed of properly. Although the gas volume may be empty, it’s still important to ensure that the canister is disposed of efficiently, otherwise residue can react with external elements and this can sometimes be toxic. An expert will take care of this process.

With the new gas sourced, it’s a fairly straight forward task to refill the canister, tighten the fittings and then use the HVAC unit immediately. At this point, a good air conditioning installation expert will check that all relevant valves are connected and fastened in place. Any leaks will be evaluated and repaired on the spot.

The new gas can last for years with minimal maintenance required, but as there is no guaranteed way to deal with rusting and decay; it’s advisable that a professional is hired from time to time to gauge the condition of all components associated with gas flow. One of the leading causes of gas reduction is flicking AC units off before they are able to properly shut down.

During the shutdown process, the device will attempt to flush any excess gas (typically less than a few milligrams). If the gas remains present when the unit is next turned on, this can lead to pressure build up and in extreme cases, this can enhance the rate of decay. The best bet is to allow the unit to switch off at its own rate and only then should the power supply be turned off at its source.