'Hors D'oeuvre' Stickers/Tiny Gif- 15 USD and 11 USD

Super Simple Animation

15 USD

 (If two characters are in the animation and move, it's 22 dollars. If two characters are in the animation and one doesn't move at all, it's 17 dollars.)

Simple Sketchy Animation

20 USD

(If two characters are in the animation and move, it's 30 dollars. If two characters are in the animation and one doesn't move at all, it's 25 dollars)

Price difference is because of number of frames/amount of time that's needed to be spent! (for reference, 11 usd is the minimum wage where I live!)

Usuable as Stickers if requested beforehand ( so I can size the canvas appropriately). 

Standardly flat color, *I might do shading of some sort depending on energy levels, if I do I'll ask you first, but please don't count on it because it's next to unlikely, I'm just mentioning it so it's not bizzarely out of the blue! VERY rare! 

Can also add shading for 10 USD! (bc frames have to be shaded one by one and be congruently shaded... /dramatic clench fist)

Below is a form you can fill out to help ensure you get the most out of what you requested! 


* Personality traits/behavioral mannerisms/ even just general mood

*Aesthetic/fashion style or colors they like

*Pictures!! Or written description!

*Do you have a pinterest board for them or a theme(horror, fantasy, happy) you assosiate with them? Tell me and I'll see if I can incorporate it!

*Nocturnal or Diurnal?