March 16-17, 2023

Los Angeles, CA

USC Marshall School of Business

Fertitta Hall (JFF)


The Third AIM Conference was a resounding success with 77 in-person participants (including two keynote speakers and 35 presenters), and we would like to express our heartfelt gratitude to all the presenters, participants, and sponsors who made it possible.

As we wrap up the conference, we are pleased to announce the award winners (congratulations!) and financial information. 

Best PhD Student Paper Award

Each winner will receive a cash prize of $1,000 and a certificate of recognition. We will recognize them at the 2024 AIM Conference.

Best Participation Award

Once again, we extend our thanks to all who attended and participated in the Third AIM Conference, and we look forward to seeing you again in 2024!

Conference Co-Chairs

Conference Registration

Conference Hotel

Conference Program

AIM-2023-Short Program (30123).pdf