Call For Posters

We invite participants to submit posters of relevant work with a 100 - 200 word abstract. The accepted contributions will be posted on the workshop website but they will not appear in the official IEEE proceedings. The reviewing is single blind by a committee formed by the workshop organizers and invited speakers. We welcome any poster format in stand size. A poster template of A1 (23.4 x 33.1 in ) PPT can be downloaded here.

The best three posters would be awarded a prize* of USD $600, $400, and $200 each, with certificates.

Accepted contributions will have the opportunity to present their work in a poster session and a 3-mins spotlight presentation at the workshop.

Please submit both your poster and abstract by sending it as a .zip file directly to

Important Dates

Poster submission deadline: 5 July 2019

Notification of acceptance: 6 July 2019

Workshop day: 8 July 2019 (Full Day)

*The prize is made available by Signate Life Sciences (HK) Ltd., a subsidiary company of Aptorum (Nasdaq: APM)

Best Posters Award

Congratulations to the best poster award winners! All three winning posters were selected by the judging committee based on their research novelty and impact. The judging committee comprise the workshop speakers and organizers who are research experts in the soft robotics field.

1 st Place

  • Clinging to Tissues: Bio-Inspired Soft Suction Cup Design for Minimally Invasive Surgery

Author(s): Aimee Sakes (Delft University of Technology)

2nd Place

  • Mimicking the Structure and Function of Ant Bridges in a Magnetic Microswarm for Electronic Applications

Author(s): Dongdong Jin, Jiangfan Yu, and Li Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)

3rd Place

  • Scalable soft-bodied robots towards surgical interventions

Author(s): Haitao Yang, Bok Seng Yeow, Ting-Hsiang Chang, Kerui Li, Fanfan Fu, Hongliang Ren, and Po-Yen Chen (National University of Singapore)