Towards Soft Robotics for Biomimetics and Applications: Emerging Sensors, Actuators, and Methods
AIM2019 Workshop on “Towards Soft Robotics for Biomimetics and Applications: Emerging Sensors, Actuators, and Methods”
Date: July 8, 2019, 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM
Venue: Conference Hall 07, Level 2, Building 10W, Phase 2
AIM 2019 (Hong Kong Science Park, Hong Kong, China)
About the Workshop
During the past few years, advancement in material sciences, additive manufacturing, flexible electronics, sensor/actuators, and intelligent computation/algorithms creates new opportunities for research and development of soft robots. The paradigm shifts from rigid contact towards soft interaction enable not only a safer physical human‐robot interaction but also new forms of robots thanks to passive adaptability and light‐weight design. The full‐day workshop brings experts in the field together to present the state‐of‐the‐art work and discuss the trend of enabling technologies for soft robots that are either biomimetic or for real‐world applications such as advanced tendon actuation, pneumatic artificial muscles, musculoskeletal mechanism, biomimetic locomotion, smart and flexible sensors, compliance control, etc.
List of Speakers
- Koichi Suzumori (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
“Soft Robotics as E-kagen Science”
- Gen Endo (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
“Development of “Super” tendon-driven mechanisms using high tensile strength synthetic fiber ropes”
- Toshio Takayama (Tokyo Institute of Technology)
“Bundled tube locomotive device: the first idea came from the movement of a microorganism”
- Kenjiro Tadakuma (Tohoku University)
“Fiber Jamming Gripper Mechanisms with High Protection Ability”
- Paddy Chan (The University of Hong Kong)
“Smart flexible sensors based on organic electronics”
- Hongliang Ren (National University of Singapore)
“Collaborative Robotics with Continuum and Compliance”
- Li Zhang (The Chinese University of Hong Kong)
"Soft magnetic microrobots: from individual actuation to swarm transformation"
- Pakpong Chirarattananon (City University of Hong Kong)
"Origami-Inspired Fabrication and the Development of Microrobotic Insects"