AI for Critical Infrastructure

Sunday, August 4, 2024

Jeju Island, South Korea

05/13: Submissions closed! Notifications deadline extended to account for the extension in paper deadline.

Critical Infrastructures (CIs) are systems related to the delivery of vital public services, such as transportation systems, energy generation and transmission, telecommunication networks, hospitals, IT infrastructure, and others. While the preservation, improvement, and reliability of those systems are of priority to both the government and industry sectors due to their impact on society, disruptions are common due to the complexity and multitude of factors that contribute to the operability of those services.

The recent increase in connectivity and fast-paced AI advances bring new opportunities and risks to CI. AI systems can be introduced to increase efficiency and reliability. They can also be used to help repel sophisticated cyberattacks and mitigate natural disturbances, for example, the ones caused by weather issues intensified by global warming. However, applying and evaluating AI techniques in CI is not a trivial matter due to the complexity and impact of these systems. How do we ensure the safety of the public and critical infrastructure when AI systems become increasingly more autonomous? How can we ensure the public that these systems will be safe?

This is the inaugural 1-day workshop co-hosted with IJCAI-2024. In-person participation is mandatory for at least 1 author of each paper based on conference mandated rules.

Please see our Call for Papers 

Important dates

Call for papers open March 13, 2024

Submission Deadline April 26, 2024  May 10th

Author Notification May 21, 2024 Jun 6th

Workshop August 4, 2024

Preliminary workshop program