Accepted Papers

  • The Case for Learned Spatial Indexes. Varun Pandey (Technical University of Munich); Alexander van Renen (TUM); Andreas Kipf (MIT); Jialin Ding (MIT); Ibrahim Sabek (MIT); Alfons Kemper (TUM) [pdf]

  • It’s AI Match: A Two-Step Approach for Schema Matching Using Embeddings. Benjamin Hättasch (TU Darmstadt); Michael Truong-Ngoc (TU Darmstadt); Andreas Schmidt (KIT); Carsten Binnig (TU Darmstadt) [pdf]

  • Buffer Pool Aware Query Scheduling via Deep Reinforcement Learning. Chi Zhang (Brandeis university); Ryan C Marcus (MIT); Anat Kleiman (Brandeis University); Olga Papaemmanouil (Brandeis University) [pdf]

  • ML Based Provenance in Databases. Michael Leybovich (Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Computer Science Department); Oded Shmueli (Computer Science Department, Technion) [pdf]

  • A Simple and Effective Predictive Resource Scaling Heuristic for Large-scale Cloud Applications. Quentin Rebjock (AWS); Valentin Flunkert (Amazon); Tim Januschowski (Amazon); Laurent Callot (Amazon research); Joel Castellon (Amazon Research) [pdf]

  • Hands-off Model Integration in Spatial Index Structures. Ali Hadian (Imperial College London); Ankit Kumar (IIT Delhi); Thomas Heinis (Imperial College) [pdf]

  • MADEX: Learning-augmented Algorithmic Index Structures. Ali Hadian (Imperial College London); Thomas Heinis (Imperial College) [pdf]