my aida64 is trial, and it does not include fan sensors, I need a work around for that somehow, to incorporate cpu and gpu fan speeds on my alien laptop (has gaming card)....i find the whole thing very intriguing, a challange, and cool as

I'm sorry if this has been addressed in one of these threads somewhere but after much searching I haven't stumbled onto it. I have seen a couple posts regarding Aida64/Sensor Panel issues with the new iCUE v4.xx software but they didn't really pertain to my issue.

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Simply put...I have used an Aida64 Sensor Panel with iCUE v3.xx for quite awhile now without issue. It read my water temp and fan speeds no problems. I 'upgraded' to the new iCUE v4.xx the other day and lost all data in Aida64. It's not even in the Aida64 sensors list anymore as an option. I was hoping someone from Corsair or the community could point me in some direction of a solution, I'm not sure what I'm missing to get it back. I do see in the new iCUE there is some setting regarding integrating software but toggling it does nothing and I'm not sure how else to use it. Haven't seen any new settings in Aida64 regarding iCUE v4.xx either. Also, is there a detailed user manual for the new iCUE sftwr anywhere?

Unfortunately we are not going to be able to assist with helping as we do not support the use of other hardware monitoring tools at the same time as iCUE since they can cause conflicts with iCUE. Any assistance you need will need to be taken up with the developers of AIDA64 directly.

While I appreciate the response I'm at a loss here. It appears to me others are using iCUE v4.xx and Aida64 is reading the data, or at least they were as of Nov 6th, the newest post I could find with anything related to Aida64/iCUE v4.xx. I have used v3.xx for a long time without any issue. I don't understand the problem now and the vagueness regarding v4. I have already asked this question in the Aida64 help forum without a response, yet, which is disheartening in itself but in reality, why would this be an Aida64 problem that a new iCUE version breaks Aida64 seeing iCUE data? Seems this is an iCUE issue or policy. What about the rest of my question? What is this software integration toggle and its purpose? Is there an actual detailed users manual anywhere that can be had for iCUE users? I've been a long time fan of Corsair and have purchased many Corsair products but this is really starting to frustrate me now, seriously, to the point of selling off anything Corsair I have and ditching the ecosystem.

I've got 3 sensor panels planned for 3 builds all running iCUE.. Its frustrating that the AIDA64 forums are a deadzone. The only active thread related to sensor panels is the Layout thread but it seems literally every Sensor panel user couldn't be bothered helping out new users. I am hoping I'll be able to figure everything out myself eventually but certainly don't expect any help from the AIDA64 forums or its users.

What I have read on the subject is that nearly all conflicts between AIDA64 and iCUE are resolved by de-selecting all Corsair devices in the AIDA64 settings. ie. Anything sensor that both iCUE and AIDA64 are trying to connect to at the same time. This is hopefully fine for me as long as I can access RAM data even if its corsair Ram whilst not affecting iCUE's ability to control the RGB of the RAM. You might be out of luck if Corsair refuse to reverse whatever change they made to iCUE 4.x because if sounds like you want AIDA64 Sensor panel to access an actual Corsair Water Temp sensor. In my case I don't care and I don't think iCUE cares if RAM data is deselected in iCUE but selected for monitoring in AIDA64, but in your case, you can't deselect Water temp monitoring in iCUE because iCUE needs it for its fan curve control of your radiator fans and pump speed.

Well, I'm not sure then how or where the conflicts come from. I've been using a Sensor Panel and v.3 iCUE for almost a couple years now without any serious issue. Of course both pieces of software have their own little hiccups every now and then but they always pretty much straightened out relatively soon and nothing ever gave me any reason to think that any of it was because of the two conflicting. You shouldn't have any issues because with v3 I'm personally not aware of any and apparently in v.4 it appears Corsairs policy is not to play well with any other software, by design, you cannot even see it, so you should be aok.. Of course, they did this without leaving their customer base with anything comparable to use and when it's questioned the response is 'go pound sand, we don't care'. Corsair could have given us something similar if they wanted, if they cared. There are plenty of sensors in iCUE v.3 and v.4 but the way they are laid out and designed, it just isn't the same.

It's relatively easy laying out a Sensor Panel with stock gauges and graphs. I am pretty sure all the Corsair DRAM data is still working in Aida64, they can fetch it direct from the MB and don't 'need' Corsairs cooperation for that. I only have RAM usage in my gauge, the temps never move more than a degree or two and the speed/timings never change but I'm guessing it's still all there. Designing your own isn't all that difficult either but pretty tedious and time consuming. If you have any questions I can try to answer them for you or if you want a couple Panel files as a foundation to start from I can give you a couple.

Also, I wouldn't recommend going in and turning off any of the settings regarding other software. Just do your thing with the out of the box settings and IF you find yourself with some problem for whatever reason then you can look and see if any of the settings happen to be messing with you. I never had to change any and I don't believe it ever gave me any problems.

The same conflicts that can cause iCUE 4 to have issues with hardware monitoring software such as AIDA64, HWMonitor, HWiNFO64, etc... were present and a problem with iCUE 3 as well. Sounds like you just got lucky. Unfortunately there isn't going to be anything we will be able to do to fix the problems you are experiencing with AIDA64. As another user mentioned previously you can help with the conflicts by preventing AIDA64 from trying to connect to and monitor Corsair sensors but that would prevent you from seeing the information on the sensor panel.

Reviving this thread a bit here. Corsair - I understand you can't address interface issues with Aida64. However, most people here use Aida64 for their secondary LCD displays (either in-case or external) to provide real-time monitoring while gaming on the primary display. They do this because the dashboard in iCUE is not sufficient. You can't do any customization on it (other than some placement). You can't choose custom resolutions, you can't use custom graphics, you can't do custom gauges. Even scaling it to the smallest possible size, you can't put it on a 5" LCD display (it's too big if you have multiple components/sensors, and the internal margins are too large). It would be really nice if you could enhance the customization of the dashboard to allow modders to have the flexibility they want while still using the iCUE hardware (which is far superior to pretty much every other "all-in-one" solution out there). 152ee80cbc

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