Milestone 1


Step 1:

When the user enters the app, the camera comes up. There are two button available: Language and Quit. For the Language button the user can chose what language they wish to translate to. The application automatically detects the source language of the text from the image.

Step 2:

The user focuses on the image with text and clicks anywhere on the camera screen to capture.

Step 3:

The application automatically moves to the next window which reads the text aloud. On the audio page, there are three buttons in the bottom: “Back to Camera”, “RePlay”, and “Quit”. “Back to Camera” takes the user back to the camera page to capture another image, “RePlay” allows the users to hear the audio again, and “Quit” allows the user to exit the application.


This is the translation in the background. This is not shown to the user. It is provided here to show what is read aloud in the audio. English text was translated to Spanish.