Milestone 1


Step 1:

When the user enters the app, the camera is loaded. The "Language" button allows the user to choose the desired language from a list of 35. The application automatically detects the source language of the text from the image. If no language is selected, "English" is the default.

Supported Languages

Step 2:

The user focuses on the image with text and clicks anywhere on the camera screen to capture. The example shows allergy information that is printed in small text.

Step 3:

The application automatically moves to the next window which reads the text aloud and is printed in large text. On the audio page, there are two buttons in the bottom: “Back to Camera” and “RePlay/Stop”. “Back to Camera” stops the audio and takes the user back to the camera page to capture another image. “RePlay” allows the users to hear the audio again and stop it and restart on command.

Example of French to Mandarin Translation (Light Fixture Limited Warranty)

Example of Spanish to English translation (Light Fixture Limited Warranty)