About the Author

Associate Professor at Lusophone University of Humanities and Technologies - Escola de Ciências Económicas e das Organizações (ECEO) and Researcher on Complexity Sciences, Quantum Technologies, Artificial Intelligence, Strategic Studies, Studies in Intelligence and Security, FinTech and Financial Risk Modeling. Progammer with programming experience in:

A) Quantum Computing using Qiskit Python module and IBM Quantum Experience Platform, with software developed on the simulation of Quantum Artificial Neural Networks and Quantum Cybersecurity;

B) Artificial Intelligence and Machine learning programming in Python;

C) Artificial Intelligence, Multiagent Systems Modeling and System Dynamics Modeling in Netlogo, with models developed in the areas of Chaos Theory, Econophysics, Artificial Intelligence, Classical and Quantum Complex Systems Science, with the Econophysics models having been cited worldwide and incorporated in PhD programs by different Universities.

Received an Arctic Code Vault Contributor status by GitHub, due to having developed open source software considered relevant to be preserved in the "Arctic Code Vault" for future generations (https://archiveprogram.github.com/arctic-vault/), with the Strategy Analyzer A.I. module for decision making support (based on my PhD thesis, used in my Classes on Decision Making and in Strategic Intelligence Consulting Activities) and QNeural Python Quantum Neural Network simulator preserved in the "Arctic Code Vault", for access to these software modules see: https://github.com/cpgoncalves


Main contact: cgon.aulas@gmail.com

zbMath Reviewer No. 14926

Peer reviewer for Springer and Elsevier with "recognized" and "outstanding reviewer status" from Elsevier

Sample Publications:

- "Financial Turbulence, Business Cycles and Intrinsic Time in an Artificial Economy" Gonçalves, C.P. (2011), Algorithmic Finance, 1:2, 141-156 (Combines quantum optimization, quantum chaos and multifractal self-organized criticality, and many-asset lattice models applied to financial risk modelling) (http://algorithmicfinance.org/1-2/pp141-156/). Research Areas: Finance, Quantum Artificial Intelligence and Evolutionary Computation.

- "Quantum Financial Economics Risk and Returns", Gonçalves, C.P. (2013), Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, Volume 26, Issue 2,187-200. (http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11424-013-1187-5#page-1). Research Areas: Quantum Optimization and Financial Modeling.

- "Quantum Cybernetics and Complex Quantum Systems Science: A Quantum Connectionist Exploration", Gonçalves, C.P. (2015), NeuroQuantology,, vol.13, no.1, 35-48 (http://www.neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/article/view/804). Research Areas: Quantum Machine Learning and Complex Quantum Systems Science.

- "Financial Market Modeling with Quantum Neural Networks", Gonçalves, C.P. (2015), Review of Business and Economics Studies, vol.3, no.4, 44-63 (http://issuu.com/robes.russia/docs/rbes_4_2015). Research Areas: Finance, Quantum Machine Learning and Complex Systems Science (arXiv preprint recommended in MIT Technology Review)

- "Quantum Neural Machine Learning: Backpropagation and Dynamics", Gonçalves, C.P. (2017), NeuroQuantology, vol.15, no.1, 22-41 (https://neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1008/814). Research Areas: Quantum Machine Learning and Complex Quantum Systems Science.

- "Quantum Robotics, Neural Networks and The Quantum Force Interpretation", Gonçalves, C.P. (2019), NeuroQuantology, vol.17, no.2, 33-55 (https://www.neuroquantology.com/index.php/journal/article/view/1969/1329). Research Areas: Quantum Machine Learning and Complex Quantum Systems Science.

Gonçalves, C.P. (2019). Quantum Neural Machine Learning - Theory and Experiments. In Aceves-Fernandez, M.A. (ed.), Machine Learning in Medicine and Biology, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.84149, http://mts.intechopen.com/articles/show/title/quantum-neural-machine-learning-theory-and-experiments.

Gonçalves, C.P.(2019). Cyberspace and Artificial Intelligence: The New Face of Cyber-Enhanced Hybrid Threats. In Abu-Taieh, E. (ed.) Cyberspace, IntechOpen, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.88648, https://www.intechopen.com/online-first/cyberspace-and-artificial-intelligence-the-new-face-of-cyber-enhanced-hybrid-threats.

Gonçalves, C.P. (2020). The New Intelligence Game - An Intelligence Study. e-book available at: https://www.academia.edu/43432931/The_New_Intelligence_Game.

Goncalves C.P., Rouco J. (2021). Comparing Decision Tree-Based Ensemble Machine Learning Models for COVID-19 Death Probability Profiling. J Vaccines Vaccin. 12: 441. https://www.longdom.org/open-access/comparing-decision-treebased-ensemble-machine-learning-models-for-covid19-death-probability-profiling.pdf

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