Invited Speakers

Open Source AI Ecosystem - Saturday 13.20 - 13.40

As an Associate Member of the LF AI Foundation are happy to announce our guest speaker Dr. Ibrahim Haddad, Executive Director of the LF AI Foundation. In his short presentation, Ibrahim will talk about open source AI. He will address questions such as:

  • What's so special about open source that applies to AI?

  • What are the challenges we see in this seemingly thriving ecosystem?

Open-source is every decentralized software development that encourages open collaboration, with products such as source code, algorithms, and documentation freely available to the public.

About the speaker:

  • Dr. Ibrahim Haddad is Vice President of Strategic Programs at the Linux Foundation and the Executive Director of the LF AI Foundation.

  • Haddad has held management roles at Ericsson Research, the Open Source Development Labs, Motorola, Palm, Hewlett-Packard and Samsung Research.

  • He leads the LF AI Foundation that supports and sustains open source innovation in artificial intelligence, machine learning, and deep learning.

  • More at:

Ethical AI - Saturday 15.45 - 16.15

The workshop will inform participants of the latest developments in the field of ethical AI by concentrating on four areas of research: labour, governance, ethnography and ML Security.

  1. For ethnography, the focus will be on missing data sets, data collection, data ownership and data sovereignty as seen through a cross-cultural perspective.

  2. For ML Security, the focus will be on how not thinking about security in the context of AI systems renders the work on implementing responsible AI principles futile.

  3. For automation, the focus will be on the difference between tasks and jobs, specifically how poorly decomposing a role into tasks leads to automation failure.

4. For governance, the focus will be on understanding how governments create policy safeguards to manage AI systems, while also questioning the ethical and human rights implications of such policies.

Montreal AI Ethics Institute is a digital-first civil society organization that brings together a diversity of individuals from different disciplines, areas of expertise, and geographic regions.

About the speakers:

  • Alexandrine Royer is a Research Fellow at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. Her research interests center on: cross-cultural perspectives in AI ethics, data rights, and ethnographic studies of technological design and applications.

  • Ryan Khurana is a Research Fellow at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. He has worked for several years in technology policy at the Institute for Advancing Prosperity, Competitive Enterprise Institute, and the Institute of Economic Affairs. His main research interests include automation, data policy, and AI strategy.

  • Abhishek Gupta is the founder of Montreal AI Ethics Institute and a Machine Learning Engineer at Microsoft where he serves on the CSE Responsible AI Board.

  • Muriam Fancy is a Research Fellow at the Montreal AI Ethics Institute. Currently her work is focused on evaluating governance structures for AI with a human rights lense. Her research interests also include the intersection of AI and human rights policy, data rights, and inclusion in AI.

left-top: Alexandrine Royer, right-top: Ryan Khurana, bottom-left: Abhishek Gupta, bottom-right: Muriam Fancy from the Montréal AI Ethics Institute

Trustworthy AI - Sunday 15.45 - 16.15

Guest Speaker Shagun Sodhani will present "Toward Trustworthy AI Development: Mechanisms for Supporting Verifiable Claims". A contemporary report on the various steps that different stakeholders can take to improve the verifiability of claims made about AI systems and their associated development processes. Sodhani has previously worked for MILAMontreal, a community of 450 researchers specializing in machine learning and dedicated to scientific excellence and innovation.

About the speaker:

  • Shagun Sodhani's research focuses on lifelong reinforcement learning - training AI systems that can interact with and learn from the physical world.

  • He graduated in Computer Science from IIT Roorkee in 2015 and worked as a Machine Learning developer with the Machine Learning team at Adobe Systems for 2 years.

  • More at: