Basic Block II

An Introduction to AI Ethics

The lecturer Marta Ziosi will provide a broad introduction to the concerns, values and tools which are ethically relevant to AI development.

The workshop will have a double-fold structure: on one hand, it will focus on how AI can shape society and on the other, it will delve into how society can shape AI. Namely, the former refers to the idea of 'AI for Good', while the second to the plethora of different ethical AI guidelines, and related 'ethical values', which have arisen in the last years.

The part on 'AI for Good' will delve into the opportunities, but also the risks and unintended consequences of 'AI for Good initiatives'. It will kick-off the discussion by asking, 'What makes an AI initiative 'for Good', both in theory and in practice?".

The part on how society can shape AI will present you with the ethical, social and legal aspects which regulate, more or less strongly, recent AI developments, what motivates them and what complexities arise in this context.

About the lecturer:

  • Marta Ziosi is the Chair and Co-Founder AI for People

  • Interested in: Algorithmic fairness and how to tackle injustices in the technological era

  • Graduated in Public Policy and Philosophy at the London School of Economics with a thesis on ‘Epistemic Injustice in DataMining

  • For more: find Marta on LinkedIn