Call for

This one-day, in-person CHI 2024 workshop invites researchers, practitioners, and students interested in how technology may change practices around end-of-life planning, remembrance, and digital legacy to explore the possibilities and pitfalls created by recent developments in AI for how we care for and represent the dead. 

Participants will co-create visions of the future of "AI and the Afterlife." These visions will form the basis of a shared vocabulary and research agenda for this nascent space, and help create a socio-technical future for the dead that is respectful, engaging, and culturally sensitive.

Participants in the workshop will learn about the state-of-the-art in this space as well as hear interdisciplinary perspectives from experts in law and end-of-life care. 

Participants will have an opportunity to present and generate design concepts and other ideas about the afterlife and the role technologies such as AI might play with it in the future.

Important Dates

Join Us

People interested in participating can apply by completing a form indicating their disciplinary background and the nature of their interest in the topic, including:

Each potential participant should separately submit this form. 

Participants will be selected based on their application materials, with a focus on the relevance of their prior research and/or disciplinary background to the workshop topic, and a goal of selecting a group of participants that represents diverse disciplinary and methodological backgrounds that will create an academically engaging environment.