AAAI Fall Symposium Series 2024

AI for Aging in Place

⏰ November 7-9, 2024 

📍Westin Arlington Gateway | Arlington, VA, USA

As the world's population ages, many older adults prefer to age in place (AiP), maintaining their independence, community ties, and quality of life while remaining in their homes. While AI-based technologies hold the promise of facilitating AiP, developing these approaches poses several challenges. These include logistical challenges and privacy concerns associated with collecting data and ground truth information in real-world environments, challenges arising from deployments and evaluations in unstructured home environments, and exploring technology acceptance and adoption. Furthermore, the abilities of this population can change rapidly over short periods due to an increased risk of acquiring disabilities, while facing a lack of societal support for managing them.

To address these challenges, this symposium will bring together interdisciplinary researchers and practitioners across AI, robotics, human-machine interaction, psychology, gerontology, public policy, and healthcare to foster a community aimed at (1) sharing experiences, successes, and failures, and (2) collaboratively identifying best practices and open questions.

This symposium will be held in-person at the Westin Arlington Gateway from November 7th to 9th and will include keynote talks, interactive panel discussions, breakout discussions, and oral and poster presentations for accepted papers.

Please contact any of the following organizers if you have questions regarding the symposium.

Nina Moorman (

Pragathi Praveena (

Agata Rozga (

Speakers and Panelists
(More confirmations on the way!)

School of Medicine
Oregon Health & Science University

Director, Technology Strategy & Relationships
American Association of Retired Persons (AARP)

Associate Professor
Institute of Gerontology
University of Georgia 

Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science Cornell University

Organizing Committee

Nina Moorman

General Co-Chair
Georgia Institute of Technology

Pragathi Praveena

General Co-Chair

Carnegie Mellon University

Agata Rozga

Program Chair
Georgia Institute of Technology

Victor Nikhil Antony

Publicity Chair

Johns Hopkins University

Nadira Mahamane

Papers Chair

Georgia Institute of Technology

Michelle Zhao

Carnegie Mellon University

Laurel Riek
University of California, San Diego

Reid Simmons
Carnegie Mellon University

Matthew Gombolay
Georgia Institute of Technology