Get Involved

There are many ways to get involved

Attend our monthly meetings
We meet the third Tuesday of every month at AHS 6:30-8:00pm. We also provide a Zoom link for each meeting if you would like to participate but cannot physcially make it to Albemarle that night. Email and ask to be added to the meeting email list. 

Volunteer for events
The PTSO needs volunteers for school-wide and teacher and staff appreciation events. Look for the Sign Up Genius links in Mr. Bonham's AHS Weekly Connect emails, on our Facebook and Instagram, and on the Upcoming Events page on this website. Some of our events are during the school day and some are in the evening.

Frequent volunteers needs for events include set up and clean up, serving food and decorating. We also need parents and guardians that are bi-lingual to help connect with families at school-wide events. 

Provide food and supplies
We rely on families to donate food items, drinks, snacks, desserts and paper products throughout the year. Both homemade and store bought items are appreciated. Check the Sign Up Genius links in Mr. Bonham's AHS Weekly Connect emails, on our Facebook and Instagram, and on the Upcoming Events page on this website. We love to support our teachers and school staff with food!

Support the PTSO financially
The PTSO does not hold fundraisers. Our operating budget for the year comes from the generous donations from AHS families and local businesses. We are only able to accept cash and check donations. Every donation helps us to support our school community. Click here for more information on how to donate.