Alumni Messages

Nov 15 2007  1:13

Michaella E

Class of 1996

Flute, Bass Guitar, Drum Major

Hey everyone! It's Mikie!!! I'm still playing the guitar, and

I now live in New York. After high school, I played the bass in the

Ohlone Jazz band, then I moved to Sacramento. I'm still friends with

Rene, John, and a lot of the people that were in our class from

1992-1996. I have 2 beautiful daughters, Maija and Jasmine. If anyone

would like to contact me, please find me on MySpace at

To the new classes: Practice hard and listen to Mr. Wong!!! He's a great

influence, and knows his stuff. Open your minds to different forms of

music, especially World Music! It will change your life and open new

doors for you as a musician. I was Drum Major for 2 years. Winning the

JPS award was probably one of my most proudest moments in high school,

and I feel honored to be remembered even on this website! Please know

that you're very lucky to have a music program at this day and age. Be

good to Mr. Wong and the band parents and volunteers who help make your

experiences possible. Good Luck to all!!!

Feb 25 2005 23:50

Jessica M

Class of 2004...0h yeAH!

Flute/pit percussion(mallets a little aux.)

Hey! I just wanted to post cause i'm actually graduated. Never thought this would happen. I need to get myself some music classes. I miss it too much. Well email me if you want to, if not, it's been nice posting. Just want to say good luck to the incoming years. Don't give him trouble. And most importantly dont talk when he's on the podium, he really hates that. ;)

Dec 9 2003 12:51

Anne B

Class of 1994


Hey Eagles!

Still playing after all these years and having a blast! Keep up the good work while littering the band room with trophys! Thanks to Richard Wong for keeping the music program strong - especially the marching band. 

See you on the 50!

Jul 10 2003 20:52

Jen M

Class of 2003

Whoa! This is weird posting as an alumnist!. I played Clarinet for all bands except Jazz where I played clarinet, tenor sax and keyboard bass. I was Assistant Drum Major and the Clarinet Section Leader .This is and will always be my favorite site to visit. And I wish much luck to the future Marching,Concert and Symphonic Bands. Hope you all realize what an Awesome teacher Mr. Wong is, remember to listen and you will learn a life-times worth of information. He definately has inspired me to become a Music Teacher( Thanks!! your the best) and music is what Í plan on majoring in. Well best of luck to you all.

- Jen

To all my band members i will miss you!, You guys are family, you are the closest thing to family i have ever had, and it will be hard to go on with out you, but as always I know you guys will strive and achieve the goal of making the American Eagles Marching Band the greatest... I love you all!!!

Fri Jun 16 2000 10:06

Carrie W

I wanted every one to know music is life, it's one of the most important things. It is a way of expressing your self and it is a way of meditating. Music has been a very important thing in my life, and will always be. To Mr. Wong thank youfor every thing you have done for me. Carrie W.

Fri Jun 9 2000 11:49
Anthony N

Hi, I'm one of the students at American High. I'm a senior and in the band. I would just like to say that I really don't know what to do with my life but I know music will always be there. Thank you so much Mr. Wong you are the man. Life has been hard band has been harder but it was all worth it. To anyone who is not in music your missing out on a chance of a life time.

Sun Mar 19 2000 12:51
Amy Goerss (Hubbard)

Great to see some names of old friends of the past. I hope that maybe someone I know will see this and get a hold of me. I would love to catch up with all my friends. Have a great life and keep smiling!

Mon Mar 13 2000 23:25
jesse d

hi you guys i got my GED and im so happy .I miss band and all the stuff we did together but I still love being free.

Sat Feb 26 2000 08:24
Neil L

it's been a long time

Mon Dec 13 1999 01:37
Erin I

hey....just checking in on what's been happening with you guys...looks like things are going well :) and hopefully i can drop by sometime and say hi...but for now everyone take care!

Fri Dec 3 1999 23:14
Lynette P


  Just wanted to say whats up to everyone. I was in the band for all four years and graduated in 1996.

Tue Oct 19 1999 12:09

Carrie W

I graduated from American H.S. in 1991, after 4 years of participating in the marching band and concert band. When I was a senior, the school district was talking about cutting back funds to the music and art departments becuase it couldn't afford them. Looking at this web site, it's wonderful to see how much the music department has progressed since I've been gone. Many of my fondest memories are from the time I spent with the family that developed within the band. Thank you for nurturing such an important program as music in school.
I just wanted to add to my previous comment -- thanks to Mr. Levin (the band director) for all his hard work in making my experience with American H.S.'s band so enriching. It couldn't have been such a great family without his heart. Also, hello to all of you who were part of the band during the four years that I was there. Hello to all of you who are there now -- congratulations on your success. Keeep working hard and having fun!

Date: 9/26/99

From: Todd E. Y

Class of 1991

Instrument: Percussion / Drum Major


To the Eagles Marching Band,

I just happened to be searching for some information on the net when I came across the schools website.  Naturally I saw the band link and went straight to it.

It is great to see that there is a continued tradition of musical excellence at American High School.  I am impressed with the the events that you have scheduled and I sincerely know the dedication and devotion that goes into each and every one of your performances.  The discipline that it takes to play a musical instrument and perform with peers will prepare you for your individual journeys after high school.  You don't need to be told, but I am going to say it anyway, you are a breed apart from your peers.  So, continue to show that Eagle spirit, be proud of your accomplishments and most important, best of luck at each and every performance.  I wish I could be there to do it all over again.


Todd Y,
Class of 1991

Wed Aug 25 1999 01:24
John R

hey mr. wong,
  just wanted to see what was going on with this year's band. hopefully they have a lot of potential and the drive of being something greater. Being a part of the band is not just a class, but a time when individual talents come together to achieve perfection...during a time of imperfection.

Sat May 22 1999 18:11
Scott L

Glad to see American has a web site and that the music program is still swinging. I am class of '76 and played lead trumpet in the jazz and symphonic band. I played professionally for a few years and still play for my own enjoyment. Of course I played in an era when trumpets ruled the earth! In my opinion they still do. Thanks Mr. Levin. By the way my wife, Cindee, was lead flautist!