Persuasive Writing Across the Curriculum

Persuasive Writing Success Criteria

Persuasive Writing in the Junior Phase V.L1

Persuasive Tag Sheet

For use by teachers when giving feedback to pupils

Persuasive Marking Criteria Nutshell

Persuasive Success Criteria in a Nutshell

Use if very familiar with the detail of the success criteria and just need an overview

Level 3 VL1 Persuasive Level 3 success criteria detailed

Persuasive Writing Full Success Criteria: Working Towards Level 3

Use if just starting out with the success criteria and for extra detail and clarification

Level 4 VL1 Persuasive Level 3 Independence

Persuasive Writing Full Success Criteria: Working Towards Level 4

Use if just starting out with the success criteria and for extra detail and clarification

Resources for all

Copy of Persuasive Writing Planning Form

Paragraph Planning Sheet

Created by the Becky Early, Lindsay Campbell-Thomson, Brian Donlin and all on the persuasive writing teaching group. For pupil use when planning persuasive essays

Persuasive Writing Research Sheet

Research Sheet

Created by the Persuasive Writing teaching group. For pupil use when researching. Pre-paragraph plan stage.

Persuasive Writing in English


S1 Pupil Exemplar "Everyone Should Donate to Charities"

Achieved Level 3 in most Persuasive skill areas

Persuasive Writing in Geography

Pers Geography S1.pdf

S1 Pupil Exemplar 

Created by an S1 pupil in Geography. Use for moderation, understanding standards, or WAGOLL exercises.