Literacy Across the Curriculum

Welcome to Arran High School's website for literacy across the curriculum. A one-stop-shop of resources for teachers (and of possible interest to parents).

The materials on this website are primarily designed to exemplify an understanding of standards of Literacy at Arran High School. Included are success criteria, tag sheets and exemplars of Levels for extended writing and persuasive talk across the curriculum.

Contents are constantly being developed. Please contact Matthew Reid at Arran High School if you would like to share resources for use on this website.

Reading Schools Framework October 2021.pdf

Reading Schools Framework

Use to inform your approach to improving the joy of reading in your Faculty.

Our Reading School's Dashboard

North Ayrshire Documents

NA Lit Strat Teachers.pdf

Teachers: Literacy responsibilities

Collated by Lindsay Morris, Senior Manager. Use to familiarise with literacy responsibilities as a practitioner

NA Lit Strat FLs.pdf

Faculty Leaders: Literacy responsibilities

Collated by Lindsay Morris, Senior Manager. Use to familiarise with literacy responsibilities as a Faculty Leader or other Literacy Leader

NA Lit Strat SLT.pdf

Senior Leaders: Literacy responsibilities

Collated by Lindsay Morris, Senior Manager. Use to familiarise with literacy responsibilities as a Senior Leader

NA Lit Strat 2019 Full.pdf

North Ayrshire Literacy Strategy

Collated by Lindsay Morris, Senior Leader. Use to support understanding of Literacy strategies and responsibilities

Education Scotland Resources


Literacy Benchmarks

Use to familiarise self with Literacy benchmarks. Focus on LIT benchmarks. ENG benchmarks are for the English department only

1 ModellingStagesoftheWritingProcess.pdf

Modelling the stages of the writing process

Use to help familiarise self with the different stages of the writing process and therefore to inform delivery

Creating Rich Tasks in Writing.pdf

Creating Rich Tasks in Writing

Use to help create rich tasks in writing


Literacy across learning, principles and practice

A four page document. Use to help formulate how you will incorporate reading, writing and talking into your subject context