National Allied Health Profession's Day

What is AHP's Day?

You are invited to join other allied healthcare professionals for AHPs Day (#AHPsDay). This year it is being held on the 14th October 2020.

AHPs Day 2020 (#AHPsDay) will be happening on Wednesday 14th October 2020. As with previous years you are invited to join other Allied Healthcare Professionals in a day of collective action, by doing something that is meaningful and important to you.

The first ever AHP's Day was held on the 15th October 2018 to celebrate, appreciate and recognise the extraordinary work of the AHP workforce. In 2019 we were all about sharing why we were proud to be an AHP and joined by AHPs from across the globe including Singapore, New Zealand and Australia making it a truly international social movement.

Please do check out the family albums from AHPs Day 2018 and AHPs Day 2019 if you haven’t done so already.

This social movement to bring AHPs together began on Twitter from an idea that sparked on a bus journey home from work between Rachael Brandreth (Dietitian) and Carrie Biddle (Speech and Language Therapist) who work across integrated therapies at the Royal Cornwall Hospital and Cornwall Foundation Trust, with crucial first follower support from radiographer Naomi Burden.

AHPs across the UK and beyond, came together for a day of collective action with over 36 million impressions on Twitter in 2018. On Monday 14th October 2019, AHP's again took to Twitter and we extended our reach and impact to 48.840 million impressions.

Every year over at AHPsDay HQ we refresh the themes. This year our key focus will be

Celebrating who we are – have a get together to share success you choose how!

Appreciating our skills and impact on care and support in our local communities. Do you have local stories to share? Will you be inviting others to shadow you in practice? Are you hosting AHP appreciation awards?

Inspiring our future workforce – Ensuring we can continue to grow an AHP workforce fit for the future is everyone's responsibility. We have the NHS Long Term Plan that needs our help now. We are committed to making an AHP career a career of choice. We will be encouraging AHPs to take action as AHP Career Ambassadors opening that all important careers door to others, offering the opportunity to explore the variety of career opportunities across the 14 AHP professions. Will you hosting a careers event? Going out to visit local schools? Inviting schools to a WOW school viewing?

New for 2020: Connecting with others. What relationships and conversations do you need to be engaging in to plug AHPs into workforce transformation and pathway redesign in your system? How are you connecting research with clinical practice? How are you sharing success and joining the dots on quality improvement?

Being a social movement there are no must do's, only can do's! The important thing being to take action and share it with others using the hashtag #AHPsDay on social media.

Please do send in your images to to feature on the website.