Cities, home to over half the global population, consume 75% of the world's energy and emit a significant portion of greenhouse gases. As urban expansion continues, sustainable development is crucial for managing climate change. The UN's 11th Sustainable Development Goal aims to create inclusive, safe, resilient, and sustainable cities by 2030. However, the recent IPCC report highlights the increasing vulnerability of urban communities, particularly the underprivileged, to climate change-related disasters. The report suggests that the implementation of nature-based solutions (NBS) with equitable access could address these issues.

NBS, such as green roofs, parks, and street trees, provide numerous benefits in promoting sustainable urban environments, including ecosystem services, protection from floods and coastal hazards, and recreational opportunities. However, quantifying NBS benefits at a city scale remains challenging, as most studies focus on small or medium-scale areas and often overlook the impact of land use and land cover (LULC) changes. Additionally, research tends to focus on cities in developed countries, neglecting the rapidly growing cities in developing nations.

The proposed study aims to assess the expected future benefits of NBS using a scenario approach, allowing policymakers to compare the potential gains, including economic value, health benefits, and access equity to urban natural infrastructure, from the deployment of different NBS. The study's originality lies in its (1) quantification of ecosystem services provided by NBS at a city scale, considering economic valuation, health benefits, and access equity; (2) incorporation of future LULC change scenarios based on different planning scenarios; and (3) comparative analysis of NBS benefits across cities with varying characteristics in both developing and developed countries, which often have contrasting urbanization trends.


The main objective of this research is to develop a spatial-based methodological framework for evaluating the current and future potential benefits of NBS and spatial access equity to them based on current and scenario-based future LULC. To achieve this main objective, the study will focus on four specific objectives: 

The study will utilize GIS and remote sensing data and techniques, deep learning methods, and spatial/statistical analysis to achieve these objectives and provide evidence-based recommendations for implementing NBS that optimize economic value, health benefits, and spatial equity of access to green spaces, promoting sustainable urban development.

FIG 1. Target cities

OUTPUT (last updated: May 16th, 2024)

Academic Papers:

Conference Presentations:


This study is gratefully being supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) through the KAKENHI Grant Numbers 22KF0054 and 22F22303 (2022). All contributors would like to express their sincere appreciation for JSPS's generous funding, which has made this research possible.