
Notes of the Executive Committee Meeting of 20 January 2022

AHKLC Executive Committee Meeting Notes 20 Jan 2022 - Draft 3.docx

Notes of the Executive Committee Meeting 30 September 2021

AHKLC Executive Committee Meeting Notes Sept 21.docx

Notes of the Executive Committee Meeting 18 December 2020

Exec Ctte meeting notes 18-12-2020 on AHKLC Mission & leadership forum v3.docx

Notes of the Executive Committee Meeting 16 November 2020

Notes of Executive Committee Meeting 16 Nov 2020.docx

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of 21 October 2020

Minutes of Exec Ctte meeting 21 Oct 2020.docx


The AGM was held online on Tuesday 21 July at 3:00 p.m. Please see the Events page for details.

27 June 2019

The AHKLC is an associate member of 'CercleS', which is a confederation of independent European associations of language centres. Cercles have sent their information about the coming meeting of their coordinating committee in September 2019 and a call for a general assembly. If any member would like to see these documents, please email the Secretary of the AHKLC.

12 January 2019

AHKLC Social - Tour and Lunch at the Nan Lian Gardens, Diamond Hill, Kowloon, Hong Kong

The AHKLC held its first social at the Nan Lian Gardens in Diamond Hill. We started with a tour of the Nan Lian Gardens, learning about how the garden was designed with some clever optical illusions. We also learned about how sections of the Gardens focus on the senses of smell, sight, mind, and taste. Speaking of taste, after the tour, we had a gourmet vegan lunch at the renowned Chi Lin Vegetarian restaurant.

Despite being in Kowloon near the Diamond Hill MTR, the Nan Lian Gardens are a soothing and surprisingly quiet haven in Hong Kong

Strolling along the paths of the beautiful gardens.

Mr. Lam - our energetic tour guide explaining the timber structures

Relaxing by the water.

11 January 2019

“The challenges and dilemmas of teaching EAL students across the disciplines in English-medium higher education. Is there a role for plurilingual pedagogical approaches?” - Prof. Steve Marshall

Professor Steve Marshall is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education at Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, Canada. He is currently researching academic literacy and plurilingualism across the disciplines in Canadian higher education. In his talk, Professor Marshall discussed how the internalization of tertiary education in Canada, along with friendly immigration policies, has attracted hundreds of thousands of international students, a majority from Asia. Professor Marshall then went onto to share how he and other educators use plurilingual teaching approaches, allowing students’ dominant languages to become an asset, i.e. “tools for learning” in discussing content and understanding concepts. In turn, the controversial nature of allowing a multitude of languages to be used in the learning environment was discussed, in particular how it has had an impact on social groups, stakeholders, and assessments. The talk helped to shed light on the similar challenges facing Hong Kong in the context of bilingualism and second language learning.

Dr. Julia Chen, Director of the Education Development Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, introducing Prof. Steve Marshall

Discussing issues regarding plurilingual learners

Raising awareness

14 December 2018

“40 Years of the NMET - Its Impact and Implications” - Prof. Gu Xiandong

Professor Gu Xiandong is the Director of the Research Centre of Language, Cognition, and Language Application, Chongqing University, China. NMET stands for the National Matriculation English Test and is one of the most high stakes English test for university students in the Chinese Mainland, hence it has an impact on which students are selected from the Chinese Mainland into universities in the Hong Kong SAR. In her talk, Prof. Gu shared her experiences studying for the NMET and later in dealing with developments of the NMET across the Chinese Mainland. Actual examples from students taking the NMET were featured and discussed. The talk and discussion led to a greater and deeper understanding of how the NMET factors into teaching and learning across the country.

Prof. Gu sharing from her childhood

Dr Nigel Huckstep, Associate Director of the Center for Language Education, The Kong Kong University of Science and Technology, asking Prof. Gu some questions about the NMET

Dr Linda Lin, English Language Centre, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, discussing issues related to Hong Kong and the NMET

4 December 2018

EAC Conference - AHKLC Talk

On the 4th of December 2018, at the 2nd International Conference on English Across the Curriculum held at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, the Association of Hong Kong Language Centres (AHKLC) held a session entitled, “How the Hong Kong Language Centres Address the Logistics, Challenges, and Opportunities.” It was led by directors and senior leadership of the university language centres and support services in Hong Kong - Dr Bruce Morrison (PolyU), Ms. Christy Chan (CityU), Dr Cissy Li (HKBU), Dr Keith Tong (HKUST), and Dr Miranda Legg (HKU).

Dr Bruce Morrison, Director of the English Language Centre of The Hong Kong Polytechnic University addresses the audience.

Ms. Christy Chan, City University of Hong Kong, shares some of her experiences.

29 November 2018


The Association has been accepted as an Associate Member of Cercles (The European Confederation of Language Centres in Higher Education).

Minutes of the Executive Committee Meeting of 14 October 2019

Exec Ctte Minutes of AHKLCs 14 Oct 19 Final.docx