
Constitution of the

Association of Hong Kong Language Centres

1. The name of the organisation shall be The Association of Hong Kong Language Centres (hereafter referred to as the Association or the AHKLC).

2. The registered address shall be the work address of the Association President.

3. The Mission of the Association is to advocate for the interests of the members of the Association, encourage scholarship, facilitate international contacts, promote the status of language centres and their staff, and facilitate cross-centre initiatives.

4. Membership:

There shall be three types of membership:

4.1 Institutional Membership - All Hong Kong tertiary language centres, including those of Associate degree awarding institutions, are eligible.

4.2 Institutional Associate Membership - Language centres and language centre organisations and associations outside Hong Kong are eligible.

4.3 Individual Associate Memberships - Members of non-member institutions such as NET teachers and staff of non-member academic language centres are eligible.

5. Cessation of Membership is by withdrawal in writing or if the subscription remains unpaid for 6 months after it is due. No refunds will be given.

6. Structure:

6.1 Annual General Meeting

There will be an Annual General Meeting (AGM) every year, with advance notice, at a language centre conference where possible. The voting shall be by simple majority voting, except for amendments to the constitution. Online voting shall be possible.

6.2 Executive Officers

There shall be three Executive Officers (EOs): President, Secretary and Treasurer. Their terms of office shall be for two years, re-electable, starting at end of the AGM at which they are elected.

For the first election at the first AGM of the Association the Steering Committee will set up the election and its procedures, including guidelines about who can stand for election.

Thereafter the election procedures shall be that nominations, and the names of proposers and seconders shall be delivered to the EOs at least one week in advance. Proposers and seconders must be members of the Executive Committee (see below). The nominee cannot be their own proposer or seconder.

Balloting for EOs shall be of all members of all membership types on the basis of one person, one vote: all staff from language centre institutions, associated institutions, as well as individual associate members, can vote. Online voting is permissible for members who cannot attend the AGM.

The principle that Executive Officers should be from different institutions was agreed at the first AGM, with the proviso that if this would result in a EO position being left vacant, a second person from the same institution as an elected candidate could be chosen.

6.3 Executive Committee (EC):

The membership of the EC shall comprise one member from each full member institution, one representative of all Associate institutions (if any), and one representative of all individual members. The EOs will represent their institutions, so that institutions will not usually have more than one representative. However, if more than one EO is from the same institution, they can participate and vote.

Procedure on early resignation / withdrawal from membership of EC members or institutions: There will be no refund of fees, and no replacement of the member until voting at next AGM. However, institutional members may replace or substitute their representatives at meetings, and replacements and substitutes can vote.

Proxy voting will be allowed on written notification to the President.

The meetings of the Executive Committee will be quorate if one-third of institutional members are present (including proxy votes).

The agenda of the AGM shall include election of officers if the terms of any of the EOs have ended, President's report, Secretary's report, Treasurer's report, Special Interest Group reports, Discussion of and Voting on motions, and Any Other Business.

7. Finance

7.1 The Association will raise funds by membership fees, as set at AGMs by simple majority voting of the EC. It may also set entrance fees for Association events.

7.2 Spending limits. The Treasurer alone can authorise and spend up to HK$5,000. Over this amount, all EOs need to approve in writing. (Note: a motion to reduce this to $2,000 was proposed at the 2018 AGM, but did not get the required 2/3 majority for changing the constitution).

7.3 The Association shall not go into debt. It shall not invest funds in accounts that might lose money. The financial year of the Association shall be from 1 September to 31 August.

8. Amendment of the Constitution requires a 2/3 majority vote in both the EC and AGM.

9. Dissolution. In the event of the dissolution of the Association, any remaining funds shall be donated to charity in a manner decided by a majority of the EOs.

10. Standing Orders:

a. The Chair of the meeting may limit any discussion at meetings. Those present shall speak only when recognised by the Chair.

b. The decision of the Chair shall be respected as final on ordinary business.

c. The Secretary shall deputise for the Chair when required.

d. The Secretary shall keep minutes and circulate them to all members, and shall maintain an accurate list of the entire current membership.

e. The Treasurer shall assist the Secretary in maintaining an accurate current list of members.

f. Only the Executive Officers can authorise expenditure.

g. The Association should avoid interference in the interests, resources, policies, personnel matters and internal workings of individual language centres.

11. The logo of Association shall be the Bauhinia symbol from the Hong Kong flag, but with AHKLC replacing the stars.