
Membership application is a multi-step process involving both Troop VA1148 and AHG, Inc. (national). Families first submit a Registration Payment Form + troop dues payment to Troop VA1148. Next, you will be sent an electronic invitation to register with national and pay the annual membership fees via the online portal AHGfamily. Payment details summarized below:

Troop Dues paid to Troop VA1148 (make check payable to Troop VA1148):

Membership Fees paid online via AHGfamily:

*To maintain the required youth protection (adult:child) ratios, Troop VA1148 asks each family to register one parent as an AHG Adult Member. For active volunteers, the troop will reimburse your Adult Membership Fee.

Girl Registration

Required Actions:

Complete and submit the following to Troop VA1148:

Register online via AHGfamily and pay all membership fees.

**Each year, National assesses troops a $20/girl Program Support Fee. A portion of the $65/girl troop dues is used to cover this obligation.***No Girl Member may be “dropped off” at an AHG troop meeting or event until the troop has these forms on file.

Additional Forms:

✝︎ Recommended that all Explorers, Pioneers, and Patriots (4th grade and up) have this form completed and on file with the troop. This form is necessary for a girl to participate in certain adventurous activities with her unit (i.e. rock climbing, zip lining, summer camp, etc.).

Volunteer Registration

Background Checks and Youth Protection

As a youth ministry program chartered by a church within the Catholic Diocese of Arlington, all adult volunteers must be cleared by and compliant with both AHG and the Catholic Diocese of Arlington. Below is an overview of the requirements.

American Heritage Girls, Inc. Requirements

Register via AHGfamily and pay the Adult Membership Fee. (Reminder, the troop reimburses membership fees for active volunteers.)

❏ Complete the minimum required trainings:

❏ Complete the AHG Health and Medical Form fill out 1/adult

Catholic Diocese of Arlington Requirements

Contact Anne Marie Vivirito in Saint Timothy Catholic Church's Parish Office at or (703) 378-7646 to begin the process.

NOTE: The steps below are listed for your reference. As the diocese may update or change its policies, you must contact the Parish Office first. They will guide you through the clearance process.

Complete the diocese’s online background check

Register to attend the VIRTUS presentation “Protecting GOD's Children” (approximately four hours). Classes are available around the diocese throughout the year. Register at

Complete these forms:

Please note, the background check and clearance process for the Arlington Diocese may take four to six weeks.


Troop VA1148 is a volunteer run organization. Providing quality programming for girl members requires a commitment from all families involved. To meet and maintain required Leader-to-Girl ratios and to be able to offer a robust and varied program, we require one parent from each family to register as an adult volunteer.

NOTE: All levels must maintain "two-deep" leadership. Therefore, a minimum of 2 registered adult volunteers must be present at each unit event. We follow the Catholic Diocese of Arlington's ratios.

We ask each family to contribute to the operation of the troop in a way that is meaningful and appropriate for their family situation.  Please review our Troop VA1148 Volunteer Positions document and prayerfully consider how to help support the troop.

IMPORTANT: Volunteers must  be cleared by and compliant with both AHG and the Catholic Diocese of Arlington.

& Fundraising

We expect families to participate in the troop’s fundraising activities. Proceeds from fundraising support troop operations, which includes fun events like camping.

(last updated 10/3/23)