
My research is centred around interdisciplinary subjects in theoretical condensed matter physics and quantum information science, with a specific focus on investigating out-of-equilibrium quantum many-particle systems. These non-equilibrium systems not only serve as ideal testing grounds for fundamental theoretical questions like applicability of quantum statistical mechanics and thermalisation, but also the most indispensable situation one needs to deal with in real life application, ranging from the evolution of the early universe to the operation of active electronic devices and biological systems. In the context of quantum systems, thanks to recent experimental advancement in realising highly tunable interacting many body Hamiltonians in ultracold atomic systems and pump-probe experiments with ultrafast probes in traditional material based systems, one can now observe the non-equilibrium dynamics in a controlled manner. This area of research is at the forefront of current interests addressing timely questions like, (a) under what conditions, a system driven out of equilibrium, relax a thermal state, (b) while it is known that systems like integrable systems, many body localised systems fail to thermalise in long time limit, does there exist any universal but non-thermal description in the long time limit? In open quantum systems, which can exchange energy/particles with an external reservoir/bath, (c) how does a driven dissipative system approach to non-equilibrium steady state? (d) can we engineer exotic non-equilibrium states in quantum matter by manipulating it with external fields, such as light?

Motivated by this paradigm, my research aims to understand the real-time evolution as well as the steady states properties of a variety of non-equilibrium quantum systems, such as open quantum system and disordered system.

The figure pictorrially shows my diverse research interests.