Intelligent Automation in Precision Agriculture

AI+Green project aims to increase the precision and reliability of vineyard management practices, by supporting monitoring and developing a novel spatio-temporal data-information fusion system based on fundamental and applied techniques from remote (satellite) sensing, agriculture science, probabilistic machine learning, and aerial robots (i.e., UAS).


  • Develop an integrated remote sensing, satellite and UAS based, data collection and processing system (RSSys)

  • Endow the RRSys framework with machine learning capabilities

  • Develop a probabilistic information fusion system

  • Deploy the RRSys in Vineyard study sites i.e., “agriculture-in-the-loop” concept

Photo of the Team* taken from a UAV/drone during the kick-off meeting, Oct/2020.
*Gil Goncalves (INESCC-UC), Maria José Cunha (ESAC), António Dinis Ferreira (ESAC), António Ferreira, Carla Sofia Ferreira (ESAC), Tiago Barros (ISR), Anne Karine-Boulet (ESAC), Cristiano Premebida (ISR).

More members of the Team: Urbano J.C. Nunes (ISR), Luis Garrote (ISR).
