Agnes Kim's Profile

Welcome to my page. I am an Astronomer. That means that I quite literally moonlight as one. During the day I am a professor at Penn State Scranton, the North Eastern most campus of Penn State. This page is a spring-board to get to know me professionally and also more personally.

The photo above was taken in the summer of 2016 on the Swiss shore of Lake Geneva. The city center of Geneva is off in the distance at the end of the lake, under Mont Saleve. Whenever I go back to my birth place, I have a feeling of peace. Visitors have reported that too. There is something about the beauty of the lake and mountains that draws people to take breaks during the day to enjoy their surroundings.

You can find some professional information below. Other pages on this site include one that gathers the online content I have created (including a fashion knitting blog featuring my designs and a website dedicated to French singer song writer Jean-Jacques Goldman), and one that encapsulates who I am.
