agincourt music Council 2022/2023

Click the above link for information and an application for the librarian position on the music council executive. Forms are due by Monday, June 20th at noon.

Your Agincourt Music executive Council for 2022/2023:

Your AMC Candidates:

Here are the candidates running for AMC listed by POSITION:

AMC Candidates 2022/2023:

Candidates are listed in alphabetical order by LAST NAME:

YanJin Chen

Running for:

Jr. Events Coordinator

Hey there, I'm Yanjin! You might recognize me from the last morning vocal representative election a while back, or maybe junior orchestra, music council general meetings, or even in other departments here at Agincourt.

Even though it's been increasingly difficult and scary to reach out and stay involved at school, as many of us may feel due to the ongoing pandemic and related restrictions, I believe that it's important to keep searching for opportunities and activities that interest you!

This is why I am super excited to have the opportunity to represent you and help you overcome that fear or feeling of distress when it comes to participating and getting involved; by creating a less frightening, more welcoming environment for you to succeed in! On top of all my leadership experience around the school, from being a Lancer Rep on the SAC team to supporting Agincourts very own Kids Are Scientists Too (KAST) group as a representative, all of my visions and hopes for the future are fueled by my strong passion for music and readiness to help our music department always feel like a place where you are welcomed and appreciated. As one of the Events Coordinators, I would ensure that everything we plan and organize is 100% from your ideas and insight so that you get the most out of your high school experience!

Jefferson Cheng

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Events Coordinator

In the past few years, I have been thinking about possible events based on my knowledge of previous Music Banquets. The past few years have been a catalyst for thought as time that could be allocated to it have been steadily increasing. I want to fulfill my desires and finally settle my thoughts that I admittedly regret thinking about by being the Junior Events Coordinator. This year, I was in the yearbook council and was willing to help out others there, so it is needless to say that I will not hesitate to help out here. I have been in many fundraising events, and I am familiar with the different types of fundraising allowed within the TDSB. I have been an active member in the music department, being the Grade 9 Strings Representative in the first semester and dedicating a sizable portion of my 10th grade timetable to this department. This is a matter that I at least have a passion for and I am willing to join to help it in any way that I am familiar with.

Alisa He

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Communications and Publicity

Hello Musica, my name is Alisa! You’ve probably seen me around the music department as this is where I spend most of my mornings and lunch periods. I’m an alto singer in the morning vocal class and an alto saxophone player in the junior band class. This year, I had the privilege of representing grade nines as the vocal rep in the executive music council. I feel most welcome in the music department and I have gotten to know and love our music community and the people who make up this community. Oxytocins flood my brain every time I walk into the auditorium. Being a part of the music council this year gave me leadership experience and insight into a council—a team. As we transition into a new year and look forward to new opportunities, I want to provide you with a voice in our team. As a representative, I want to hear your opinions: what fundraisers do you want to do? What do you want to do with the money we raise? Your opinions matter just as much as the executive council's. You should have a say in actions that will affect you. Our council is not about individual ambitions, but about how we build something greater together musica community!

Bernice Huang

Running for:


Sr. Media and Technology

Sr. Communications and Publicity

Hey hey hey MUSICA! Allow me to introduce myself :D My name is Bernice Huang! Many of you know me as your Grade 11 Strings Representative in this 2021-2022 school year, however, I was also formerly known as one of the two Grade 10 Vocal Representatives in the 2020-2021 school year and one of the two Grade 9 representatives in the 2019-2020 school year. Being in an executive position for so long has allowed me a deep insight into how the council functions as well as how each character on this council plays a huge role on this stage. I understand how the situation was post and pre-pandemic and I will strive to find compromises between safety and fun. Being on this council during the COVID years has also given me the chance to be proactive and adaptive with my role on the council. I’ve dabbled in every area of the council from managing the Instagram page to the announcements to promoting Agincourt music events. These roles have allowed me to improve on my communication between the council and all of you, and they have challenged my ability to think outside the box.

Watching the council bend and mould into a new council every year for the past three years allows me to understand the ins and outs of the leadership abilities that go into executive roles. I am a reliable brick wall that can back up the council in any situation as I have seen quite a number of conditions arise within the council already. From virtual relations to in-person events, I can promise you that I can stand strong and help lead the council smoothly and efficiently. The council has always been a place where I have felt safe and welcomed, I hope that I can bring some comfort and stability to next year’s council as well.

Dhilanthy jesuthasan

Running for:


Sr. Fundraising

Sr. Events Coordinator


Hey, music students of ACI! My name is Dhilanthy and I’m running to be a member of the Executive Music Council.

My involvement in the music department (Grade 10 Strings Rep on this year’s Executive Music Council, member of the orchestra and wind symphony) has given me the chance to strengthen my skills that will definitely be an asset to next year’s Council. From planning events and leading sectionals, I’ve improved my teamwork, leadership, and organizational skills. As a member of the Executive Council, I would like to create a positive impact within the music department, contribute and participate as best as I can, and most importantly, I would like to make up for lost time due to Covid, and help create many special memories for you to cherish.

I can say without doubt that the music department continues to be one of my

favourite things about our school. I want every music student to find something they appreciate and love about our department, other than of course creating amazing music and performing it for others! I strongly believe that being on the Executive Music Council is the perfect place for me to do exactly this and give back to the community that I love. I hope to have your vote!

arabi krishnakumar

Running for:

Sr. Events Coordinator

Sr. Communications and Publicity


Hey Musica! I'm Arabi, and I'm running for the Events, Publicity, and Secretary positions on next year's Executive Music Council. I've kept myself busy this year doing what I love most, music. I'm in 4 ensembles, 2 of them being senior groups. I'm also a section leader for the junior altos and cellos, so I'm active within the department. That being said, I'm still very much human. Arabi rapid-fire: I love my tv shows- from Brooklyn 99 to Heartstopper to The Backyardigans, Encanto's soundtrack was the only thing playing in my house for two months- and okay, maybe I don't have a life outside of music. ANYWHO. What makes me diFfeReNt? Let's talk skills. As a Grade 10 Vocal Rep on this year's AMC, I took the initiative to lead the Pink Day banner project and volunteered to make the majority of the posts that you see on our Instagram feed. As a section leader, I'm always innovative and do my best to help out every learner. As Social Media Executive on the TSA, I'm highly experienced in making clear and thorough posts. Finally, as the middle child, you know I'm great at conflict resolution. I would love to be on the AMC next year to continue to rebuild the music department. A concert is a big step forward. Our upcoming social is another. As we pick up the pace, I'd like to help the council stand steady on its feet and continue to reach toward the future. I hope I can count on your vote!

celine lai

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Events Coordinator

Jr. Communications and Publicity

Hi Musica! My name is Celine, and over these last two semesters, I’ve been so lucky to have been able to get to know the music department at ACI. With one foot in vocals and the other in band, I’ve been busy all year making friends, learning music, and having fun! This spring, I’m running to be your Junior Events Coordinator! Since I share a name with the legendary Canadian singer, Celine Dion, it’s only right for me to love singing, too. I’ve been singing in the Bach Children’s Chorus for five years, which has helped me develop leadership and time management skills, as well as experience working on the organizational aspects in both the performance and logistics side of concerts and music retreats. Without a shadow of doubt, our events are what I look forward to the most, like the City Carol Sing, concerts, tours, and festivals. I would love to bring similar experiences to the students of our lovely school. As life starts to go back to normal after the pandemic, I’m sure we’re all looking forward to bringing back fun events like the music banquet. The goal is a full fledged, excitement filled year that is as busy and as fun as all the past years that the seniors and alumni had. In the Grade 9 band I play percussion, and it would be my pleasure to start next year off as strong as the beat I keep on the snare drum!

maya leung

Running for:


Sr. Fundraising

Jr. Fundraising

Sr. Events Coordinator

Hey, I'm Maya, and just like you, I also have a passion for music and am proud to be a part of the music community at ACI!! To show my music spirit, I have bought music merch that I wear often, repost music council stories, and constantly attend general music council meetings. My main music subjects are guitar and vocal where I am a section leader for the junior sopranos! As a section leader, I have learned how important it is to pay attention to how my actions affect other students and to constantly improve myself so everyone can have the best experience possible. As your treasurer, fundraiser, or events coordinator, I believe that these qualities will be exceptionally beneficial to the AMC. That being said, please check out my full qualifications list below.

· taken grade 9 business, grade 10 business, and grade 11 accounting

· my parents are in business and as a result, I am constantly surrounded by business-related topics

· section leader for the junior sopranos

· helped class leader with music announcements from time to time

· bought music merch

· general council member of the music and athletic council

· ACI library volunteer

· patient, hardworking, and passionate

mei li

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Events Coordinator

Jr. Media and Technology

Jr. Communications and Publicity


Hey hey hey hello, I’m Mei– three guesses to why I’m here today! Or at least on this site, with a questionable photo on full display. You might’ve had the misfortune of seeing me do stupid things in person at morning vocals/general music council/robotics/softball/White Pine reading club/Courageous Conversations, or you might just know me as yet another band kid with a flute perpetually glued to their hand. Anyhow, I haven’t even been here a full year yet, and I can already feel how amazing the Musica community is. And it’s the main reason why I’m even here at ACI at all.

For a long while, I was considering applying to distant high schools for special programs, but as soon as I saw ACI’s website– the music stuff anyhow, it was over. I was floored by the fact that a functional school website did in fact exist, and that it was actually pleasing to look at instead of painful. The video highlighting all the cool music events and ensembles helped too.

Though the pandemic hampered virtually everything, it didn’t dampen ACI’s enthusiasm for music one bit– and that enthusiasm is bloody infectious. I started grade 9 a little unsure of everything, really, but now I’m only unsure of everything except for the fact that Musica is awesome and I want to contribute. I want to give back to this magical community that somehow made me voluntarily get up early to sing– and enjoy it. I want to help make all the cool stuff before covid happen after covid as well. It doesn’t matter what I do; fundraise, hyperactively hype anything music related, or organize sheet music/paperwork/supplies. I just want to do something for Musica, regardless of whether I’m elected or not, because it’s done a heck ton for me already.

evelyn liu

Running for:

Jr. Events Coordinator


Reasons Why You Should Vote For Me:

I am an outgoing individual who can work well with any situation given, and I can take account of everyone’s viewpoints to make a decision. I’ve earned awards in leadership in middle school, and my creativity creates events that are interesting and cool! Talking to others is no fear of mine; for every event I can also help execute, plan and organize.

Great, you’re still reading because I have much more to say; I can collaborate with you, the councils, and the teachers any day. I’ll always try to be present every time, since everyone wants a leader they can rely. I can prepare for the future and the changes within, adaptability isn’t a problem for me, Evelyn!

stela murgoska

Running for:

Jr. Events Coordinator

Jr. Communications and Publicity

Why YOU should vote for ME:

Music has always been something that has moved me and something that I love sharing and celebrating with others. When you go to a Bon Jovi and Bryan Adams concert at the age of 5, you know your life is going to be centered around music. As a Grade 9 Rep on the Executive Music Council this past year, and as a volunteer in a City of Toronto Youth Council, I have gained the experience and knowledge I need to be an organized, hard-working and responsible student and member of the music community. Being a creative student (which comes along with being a musician), means that I love working on projects that allow me to use my creative abilities. After having such a hard time (an understatement) with Covid-19, we all need a little bit of life and love brought back to this school and this music department. I believe that both the Junior Event Coordinator and the Junior Communications and Publicity positions would give me a place to use my creativity to help celebrate us, this wonderful department that I'm so happy to be a part of, and the music we all work so hard to make. We deserve it! Vote Stela Murgoska for Junior Event Coordinator and Junior Communications and Publicity!

sarah offor

Running for:


Sr. Communications and Publicity

Hey Musica, my name is Sarah! I’m sure you’ve seen me around the music department, rushing around frantically doing something, but just in case you haven’t, let me introduce myself! I am a grade 11 student who has been involved in the ACI music department since I started here in ninth grade. I play clarinet in the band and sing soprano in our choir. This year, I have had the fantastic opportunity to serve you all on the AMC as the grade 11 vocal representative. This has given me lots of opportunities in leadership as well as collaboration, two things that I believe to be equally important.

From helping to organize interactive and informational instagram posts, to taking care of general attendance for the year, to creating our new MUSICA Monthly newsletter, this year I have been able to take initiative and gain knowledge in helping to lead a council. I have gained valuable experience in working with a team, and have seen first hand how beautiful it is when many people with different ideas come together to create something magnificent.

I truly believe that everyone deserves a voice, and want to be able to create a space where everyone feels safe and welcomed in sharing their opinions. In our senior vocal class, we’ve been talking a lot about safe spaces, and the qualities they hold to give us a sense of security. As your president, it would be my honour and my goal to assure that the Agincourt music department is a safe and welcoming space for everyone. As we continue to build back what we once had, everyone will need a place to collect themselves after the inevitable turbulence we will all face. It is my hope that in leading next year's executive council, I will be able to provide a welcoming environment for all of us to do what we love: making music.

raffi ohanian

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Events Coordinator


Hi everyone! If you don’t yet know who I am, I’m Raffi! Nice to meet you. I’m sure I’m not the only one who is sick and tired of the Coronavirus disrupting and making us cancel our long awaited events, which also makes me sure that I’m not the only one who is excited to have everything go back to normal next year. Being new to high school, I decided to try a lot of new things, like for example joining the Equity Council. Being an executive on the equity council gave me a chance to coordinate events, show my leadership and teamworking skills, and to generally be an active council member. I also learned that we can’t just sit back and wait for things to change, we have to be the change we want to see. Next year in the AMC, I will bring forward my new ideas, and continue to organize and help with the traditional events that we run. I want to be the voice for the generations to come, so that they can enjoy their high school experience just like I do!

ciarah otanes

Running for:

Sr. Media and Technology

Jr. Media and Technology

Sr. Communications and Publicity

Hi! I'm Ciarah. I'm in grade 10 and running for Sr/Jr Media and Technology or Sr/Jr Communications and Publicity. You might know me from the grade 10 guitar class, Agincourt Singers, or as one of the alto section leaders in the junior concert choir.

I believe I'm qualified for these positions on the council since I have substantial knowledge in programs like Adobe Illustrator, Adobe InDesign, and Adobe Photoshop. By the end of this year, I will have completed my credit in Communications Technology, where we have done photography, created a movie production, and created typography and graphic designs. As a person in these positions, I would be sure to include functional yet appealing designs, get your best angles on film and in photos, and maintain an interactive social media presence for the council. I'm also a good listener; if you have any ideas, I would try my best to incorporate them!

The Agincourt music department has been a defining factor in my experience at ACI and I'm grateful to have this opportunity to be part of the community. Thank you for reading my statement, and I hope I've won your vote!

bowen PENG

Running for:

Jr. Fundraising

Jr. Events Coordinator

Jr. Communications and Publicity


AMC--the landmark of Agincourt CI--is the department that attracts students to join the council because of its harmonious symphony created by the people. I want to contribute to every string of the department, making my voice blend in with the rhythm. By doing so, I am running for Jr. Fundraising, Jr. Events Coordinator, Jr. Communications and Publicity, and Secretary. My name is Bowen Peng, and currently in Grade nine and have participated in numerous events, such as running for the SAC position and presently being the Grade 9 Band representative for Mr.Church's class. These events improved my public speaking, time management, and an undoubtedly better leader.

People always say how they have improved to become a better leaders but do not explain it in further detail. So what is leadership, and how does my leadership benefit you, me, and the music department? I maintain that people need to collaborate for mostly everything and detrimentally necessary for music. Under most circumstances, for a group to succeed, an influential leader is always in the background building the bridges for the team to get across the traps and barriers set up by their anticipated failures. For instance, music conductor seems like people who wave their hand around like those car dealership sky dancers, but they are the bridge builders, and they are the ones who fix the mistakes in concert, and they are the ones that allow music to make sense. For me to become a leader, first, I want to build bridges for you and other people to connect and strengthen our bond, and second to make your environment in the AMC a learning experience and an opportunity for me and you to overcome challenges. With that being said, let me become your "Mr.Church" for these positions to conduct you through your wildest journey next year.

janice qiu

Running for:


Hi! I’m Janice Qiu, a grade 11 clarinet in Senior Band and Wind Symphony! You may have seen me leading sectionals or helping out in WindSymphony. I'm analytical, logical and proactive making me very capable of the position of Secretary. I'm also a good listener and sociable meaning I'll be a great candidate for one of your next executives.

kylan song

Running for:

Sr. Fundraising

Jr. Fundraising

Music has an impact on us almost everywhere; at a concert, in our homes, on our phones, in school and in the classroom. Regardless of our interests and talents in music we can all greatly benefit from experiencing it. Now that we are able to bring music back to Agincourt, I'd love to help continue our tradition, excellence, and legacy.

Hi everyone, my name is Kylan and as you can see from my photo, I'm a super easy easy going person. Having been a music council executive member for the past 2 years, I’ve had the privilege of helping to organize and take part in the many events that the music department has hosted. Now that original positions have been brought back, I’d love the chance to aid in the reawakening of fundraising in our department. By helping fundraise for SickKids throughout the past year, I’ve gained the experience and knowledge that I believe is essential for this role. Additionally, being a section leader in morning vocals has given me further confidence and knowledge has given me the skills to not only help my peers improve, but also learn from their feedback as well.

All of us are excited to bring the old positions back to the music council. Although much has changed and we are now unable to fundraise the way we used to, you can rest assured that as your fundraising representative, I will help create a new model for fundraising that is still fun and impactful. We will continue to create so many great new memories in the 2022-2023 school year!

nicole truong

Running for:

Sr. Events Coordinator

Sr. Media and Technology


Hey everyone! My name is Nicole and I’m currently in grade 11. For as long as I remember, ACI’s music department has always had a special place in my heart. Ever since grade 9, I’ve participated in various ensembles. Currently, I play the flute in ACI’s wind ensemble, the violin in the orchestra, and I sing as a soprano in our choir. I’ve held the position of class representative on the general music council for 2 years (grades 9 and 11). As a member, I relayed information from the executive committee to my assigned class, participated in fundraisers and events, and helped plan the music banquet. During this time, I became the bridge between the council and the Musica community. This year, I had the opportunity to be an executive member of the mentor council and serve as Secretary at the Rosedale PFT Laboratory. Through these experiences, I’ve improved my leadership, communication and teamwork skills, as well as my ability to quickly adapt to new environments.

As we all know, the pandemic has had a substantial impact on ACI’s music department. From switching between online to in-person school to having a thousand different restrictions and rules, we’ve lost a bit of our spark and the connection between the juniors and seniors. However, as an executive member I want to work alongside the rest of the music council to help regain what we once had. I will ensure that your voice is heard and that each one of us in this community feels safe to grow, learn, and be ourselves. I want our next school year to be filled with unforgettable memories. Together, let’s rebuild our tradition, excellence and legacy.

bethany williams

Running for:


Sr. Events Coordinator

Sr. Communications and Publicity


Hi everyone, my name is Bethany, and I am running to be a senior executive on your 2022-2023 music council. I am a dedicated, hard-working person who's always open to new experiences, outgoing, and full of ideas. As your current band representative, I hope to continue contributing to and benefiting you all. This department is my home, so you can rest assured that I will do my best for it. I hope to receive your vote!

jessica wong

Running for:

Sr. Fundraising

Jr. Fundraising

Why you should vote for me:

As a member of the repertoire band class, one of the flute section leaders in junior band, the flute section leader in a cadet marching band outside of school, and someone who’s currently learning the alto saxophone in order to participate in jazz band next year, it’s apparent that I LOVE music! Not only that, but I’m able to organize my time in order to balance everything I’m part of while maintaining top tier performance in each activity. I’m confident in my ability to organize fun and interesting fundraising events for the music department, and will incorporate the ideas and opinions of music students, aka you guys, into them. Some fundraising ideas I have include: a spring themed bake sale, or maybe coffee, except with various different flavours! My experience with fundraising at cadets throughout the past 4 years for things such as poppy drives has developed my interest in contributing to the programs I love. I strive to get more involved in the council, and getting elected would be a great chance to demonstrate my responsibility as well as give back to the music program, while forming valuable connections with the music department students! In conclusion… Don't go wrong, vote for Wong :)

keely xiong

Running for:

Sr. Media and Technology

Jr. Media and Technology

Hello, Music! My name is Keely and you may know me as a fellow concert choir singer, a clarinet in band, or as your Gr 10 band rep this year! On council, I gained valuable experiences and skills that I plan to take with me to the next level. I learned the importance of punctuality from the numerous Instagram posts I created, active listening during our weekly meetings as I fulfilled the role of secretary, and most importantly effective communication and teamwork, a quality embedded in every aspect of this council. I am confident in my interpersonal abilities and also the amazing work I will contribute if I were to be elected to AMC next year!

Skillswise, the numerous Instagram posts demonstrate my familiarity with social media platforms and my creativity within digital design. Volunteering to keep track of notes and participating in all music events just shows how much I loved to stay involved. This is a council I am incredibly qualified for because combined with my hard skills, I truly enjoy representing the voice of the people. I feel so fortunate to have experienced what it was like to learn from strong senior role models and now feel a responsibility to ensure that this cycle of kindness continues. If you choose me to represent your voice, you can rest assured knowing that you are choosing someone who wants everyone in the music department to succeed and feel as welcome as I felt.

Vote for me! Vote keely!

tonia xu

Running for:

Sr. Fundraising

Jr. Fundraising

For Sr. Fundraising:

Music has had a great impact on my life and it is something I greatly enjoy doing! I'm Tonia and I'm running for your Sr. Fundraising rep! I greatly enjoy and love music as it's something that has grown up with me since I was a child. Im currently a part of repertoire, junior band, and am learning the Alto Sax for jazz band. I'm a social, outgoing, and extremely friendly person who loves working with people and groups. I am someone who strives when working and collaborating with people whether I know them or not. This can been seen as I am the section leader to the junior clarinets where I hold sectionals every two weeks with them, I was class rep last semester, I've participated in a volunteering program where I helped create events with different students, and I'm a general member on the Athletic council and Equity council where I've helped around with events and have meet new people. Overall, I think I'm someone who is qualified and I would greatly enjoy being your Sr. Fundraising rep. Please vote for Tonia!!!

For Jr.Fundraising:

Music has had a great impact on my life and it is something I greatly enjoy doing! I'm Tonia and I'm running for your Jr. Fundraising rep! I greatly enjoy and love music as it's something that has grown up with me since I was a child! Im currently a part of repertoire, junior band, and am learning the Alto Sax for jazz band. I'm a social, outgoing, and extremely friendly person who loves working with people and groups. I am someone who strives when working and collaborating with people whether I know them or not. This can been seen as I am the section leader to the junior clarinets where I hold sectionals every two weeks with them, I was class rep last semester, I've participated in a volunteering program where I helped create events with different students, and I'm a general member on the Athletic council and Equity council where I've helped around with events and have meet new people. Overall, I think I'm someone who is qualified and I would greatly enjoy being your Jr. Fundraising rep. Please vote for Tonia!!!

lesley yan

Running for:


Hey AMC! My name is Lesley and I’m running to be your Secretary for the 2022-2023 Music Council here at Agincourt. I currently play alto saxophone and am a section leader in the Junior Wind Ensemble, as well as alternating between the flute and alto saxophone in the Senior Wind Symphony. I am also (of course) a general member of our lovely Music Council. I am passionate about music, thus wanting to dedicate myself to something greater within the Music Department at Agincourt.

Despite having not been an executive on the Music Council the past two years, I can assure you that I’m hardworking and will put in my best effort in making the Music Council greater. As your secretary I’ll be sure to record down the minutes of all meetings in a clear and concise manner, as well as performing tasks such as, organizing and keeping track of office supplies in the AMC office and maintaining the showcase as per the Music Teachers’ request. By being your Secretary, I hope to aid the Music Council and Department to the finest of my ability in the coming school year.

paul yang

Running for:


Sr. Events Coordinator

Hello my fellow music enthusiasts! My name is Paul Y. Yang and I am running in hopes of being your Treasurer of the Agincourt Music Council for the 2022-23 school year. You may recognize me as being actively a part of the many music sections and , I currently play the Tenor Saxophone in the Junior Wind Ensemble as well as being the section leader of my growing juniors, while learning alongside them, having only started playing the Saxophone a few months ago. Along with prioritizing the weekly rehearsals of Junior Ensemble, I also am very committed to Wind Symphony where I play my main instrument; the Clarinet, which I’ve been practicing since the 6th grade and hopefully onwards for many years to come. And of course attending the General Council meetings to keep up to date with all important news and information.

My objective is to contribute to and help the Music Council prosper as much as I possibly can, while becoming more invested in and devoted to music than I already am. I hope to do so through receiving your support in appointing me as your next Treasurer. The role of Treasurer is to handle the financial aspects that come with any music-based decisions or plans the Council may have and support the funding of which we inherit and produce so that we can ultimately put it back into our music programs and make the community, sections and overall contentment of the students better. I possess a variety of skills which qualify me for this position which include accounting, technical and business proficiency while also being able to communicate what is necessary for this Council. I believe I’m capable of handling these decisions and trustworthy in putting your means towards the greatest cause for everyone’s benefit.


Running for:



Sr. Events Coordinator

Hello everyone! My name is Tianai, I’m a grade 10 student and I’m running for Vice-President/Treasurer/Senior Events Coordinator. Ever since I stepped into the ACI music department in middle school for concerts and orientation, I have always felt the desire and passion to be a part of this community. After years of singing, playing the flute, and learning, I have found immense love, newfound appreciation, and interest in the art. To me, music is like a number of people, or a number of instruments, working, intertwining with the beat. Voices and instrumentals will play and move in and out of the beat like an intricate dance. The pinnacle of music are the individuals who make music, and that’s all of you. So how can you move in a way that is different but still coordinate with everybody else and come back together? I believe that the amazing aspect of music is doing little things and working within the framework. And that will be the mindset I will work towards in rebuilding the Musica community.

I have had a seat on the executive music council for two years. I have been elected as grade 9 vocal representative and grade 10 AMR vocal representative. I have adequate experience and knowledge about how this department is run, including media content creation, such as posts and presentations, sharing new concepts, communicating with the student body, administrative assistance, event coordination, business correspondence, relaying information, and building connections. The beautiful visuals you see on our Instagram? Me. Merchandise? Me.

I am also a member of various clubs and councils, such as section leader, Yearbook and Mentor. I take confident strides in all my leadership positions. I promise on everything that I will take on this position with enthusiasm, encouragement, an open mind, a big heart, and my best effort because I genuinely care so much about the values of all students at Agincourt. I hope that I can have the honour of representing you, and I will ensure that you all can enjoy what this lively department has to offer. So vote me in, I will not disappoint :D !!!


president (2 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: 11/12 during office term

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year of experience on the Executive Council


a. To oversee and direct the Executive Council toward the achievement of the

purposes stated in Article I of the Music Council Constitution.

b. To oversee, direct and assist members of the Executive Council in all tasks and


c. To delegate tasks to Executive members and ensure their completion.

d. To chair Executive Council meetings.

e. To serve as a liaison between the Executive Council and the Music Parents’


f. To represent the Music Council at Super Council meetings.

g. To maintain regular communication with the Staff Advisor(s).

vice-president (2 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: 11/12 during office term

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year of experience on the Executive Council


a. To perform the presidential duties in the absence of the President.

b. To maintain organized files in the A.M.C. office.

c. To serve as a liaison between the Executive Council and the Music Parents’


d. To represent the Music Council at Super Council meetings.

e. To maintain regular communication with the Staff Advisor(s).

treasurer (1 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: 11/12 during office term

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.


a. To work in conjunction with the Staff Advisor(s) regarding all the financial

transactions of Executive and General Council.

b. To manage and organize the collection and distribution of all funds.

c. To maintain proper and accurate records of all the financial transactions

d. To work with the Staff Advisor to maintain funds in the Executive Council’s

travel account.

e. To coordinate with the Main Office any events or items being sold through School Cash Online.

fundraising (2 positions - 1 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: Senior: 11/12 during office term Junior: 10/11 during office term.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.


Senior Fundraising Representative

a. To act as a liaison between fundraising companies and the music department.

b. To organize and execute any music department fundraisers.

c. To train the Junior Fundraising Representative in the organization and execution

of music department fundraisers.

Junior Fundraising Representative

a. To act as a liaison between fundraising companies and the music department.

b. To assist Senior Fundraising Rep in the organization and execution of all music

department fundraisers.

events coordinator (2 positions - 1 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: Senior: 11/12 during office term Junior: 10 during office term.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.


Senior Events Coordinator

a. To act as a liaison between the Executive Council and outside vendors for


b. To organize, plan and execute an annual Music Banquet.

c. To organize, plan and execute any department socials.

d. To organize, plan and execute the Executive Council’s role in the Agincourt C.I.


e. To train the Junior Events Coordinator in all of the above responsibilities.

Junior Events Coordinator

a. To assist the Senior Events coordinator in all of the above responsibilities.

media and technology (2 positions - 1 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: Senior: 11/12 during office term Junior: 10/11 during office term.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.

Must have a basic understanding of web design, social media and photography.

Must have access to social media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc.)


Senior Media and Technology

a. To regularly post and maintain Agincourt Music Department’s social media

accounts with Department and/or Council updates.

b. To help maintain the Agincourt Music website and LinkTree.

c. To be responsible for the filming and editing of the Music Retreat video and

Music Banquet Slideshow.

d. To train the Junior Media and Technology representative in all of the above


e. To act as photographer/videographer at department events when needed.

Junior Media and Technology

a. To assist the Senior Media and Technology representative in all of the above


communications and publicity (2 positions - 1 minute speech) Maximum)

Grade: Senior: 11/12 during office term Junior: 10 during office term.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.


Senior Communications and Publicity

a. To supervise the production, posting, and removal of all posters and printed

advertising for all Council events.

b. To maintain the showcase with the Secretary as requested by the Music


c. To make school-wide announcements.

d. To help advertise the music department and music council at events such as


e. To create the script and organize the filming of the Retreat Video.

f. To train the Junior Communications and Publicity Representative in all of the

above responsibilities.

Junior Communications and Publicity

a. To assist the Senior Communications and Publicity Representative in above


secretary (1 minute speech Maximum)

Grade: 10/11/12 during office term.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.


a. To record the minutes of each Executive Council meeting.

b. To type and post a copy of the minutes for the Executive and Staff Advisor(s)

each week.

c. To maintain organized and up-to-date office supplies in the Council office and

to request more supplies when necessary.

d. To create/track weekly General Council attendance and communicate with

Staff Advisors about any attendance issues.

e. To work with the Communications and Publicity representatives to maintain the

showcase as requested by the Music Teachers.

librarian (2 positions, appointed by interview)

Grade: Grade 10, 11, or 12 during time in office.

Eligibility: Must have at least 1-year experience on General OR Executive Council.

This position is appointed through an interview process after the election.


a. To maintain the organization of the band, choral, string and jazz libraries

(physical and online databases) through regular filing and updates.

b. To assist the Media and Technology representatives in maintaining and

organizing digital archives including photos and videos.

c. To manage the organization of music council event equipment (i.e. retreat and

banquet equipment).

d. To report broken equipment and place requests for equipment needed for

council led events.

grade 9 representatives (2 positions, appointed by interview)

Grade: 9 during office term.

Eligibility: Must hand in application form by deadline and have an interview with two members

of the Executive Council (one of which must be the president or Vice-President) and

one Staff Advisor.


a. To assist Executive Council members with all events and activities.

b. To be the voice of the grade 9 music students.