Podcast Episodes

Study Abroad in Europe

Coming Soon

Transfer Students and Study Abroad

Coming Soon

Medical School in North America

We take a look at the global Medical School experience by interviewing three members of the UC Davis Medical Center about their time studying medicine outside the United States. Dr. Allan Martin, Dr. Rosa Rodriguez, and Dr. Joseph Firriolo relate to us the ins and outs of their medical education experiences in Canada, the Dominican Republic, and Australia, respectively. Our guests discuss the cultural and logistical transitions that studying medicine abroad but practicing in the United States entails and they offer key insight into how they approached their studies and the process of earning a medical degree.




Filipino Americans

In this episode Sophia Minnillo interviews Filipino-American graduate students Peter Torres and Matthew Santos. They discuss how their identity shapes their experiences in graduate school at UC Davis. As linguists, Sophia and Peter dig into the details on the intersections of language and cultural identity. As a law student, Matthew focuses on how his identity affected his trajectory into the field. They also talk about their favorite Filipino foods, so make sure to grab a snack before you take a listen.




Pilot - Mexico

This is the inaugural episode for our UC Davis student organization Aggies Near & Far. David Soltero and Marina Mautner talk about how study abroad experiences affect how we see the world, focusing on students who have different relationships with Mexico. First, we talk with David who has visited his family in Mexico and participated in the Americans in Paris study abroad program through the University of California Education Abroad Program. Then Marina discusses her experience studying abroad in Mexico. For our Global Perspectives segment, Marina interviews Dafne Uscunga, a Masters student from Mexico who has study abroad experiences in other countries. We wrap up the episode wit out Guess that Sound segment.



