Age Well



End of Life Doula Holistic & Spiritual Companion Services for Aging Adults on Hospice living in Assisted Living Facilities, Nursing Homes, or Hospice Centers. 

I support aging adults on hospice as they navigate the question: What can I do to live the remainder of my days well, while focusing on what is most meaningful to me?  I then provide compassionate, holistic, soul-based companioning and support as they embrace their chosen path. Based on their individual wishes, I draw on wisdom, knowledge, and love from various traditions, cultures, studies, and prayers, weaving these elements together uniquely for each individual.

I'm here to assist and support you as you navigate decisions and embrace what matters the most for you at this time. For some, it could be completing advance directives, clarifying end of life preferences, decluttering personal spaces, or arranging a life celebration.  For others, it may be creating a legacy gift for loved ones, engaging in spiritual practices, reflecting on a life journey, or simply sharing companionship and conversation. I'm here to provide individual and tailored support for whatever it is that matters the most to you.  

I also provide holistic bedside end of life doula services for agreed upon blocks of time during one's last days and hours. During this time, I companion the actively dying as I would my own cherished family member or friend.  I extend unconditional love and hold sacred space.

My services come from the heart; there's no set or required fee. If you wish to make a non-tax deductible contribution, choose the price that feels right for you, and know that your generosity helps me provide free services to those facing financial challenges as well as cover my business and cost of living expenses.  

*PAYMENTS FOR ART/CRAFT SUPPLIES: I offer free use of my existing art supplies for those who choose to work on arts and crafts projects. If additional supplies are needed, I'll provide a cost estimate for your approval before making the purchase. The same applies to any expenses related to online publishing services if you choose to create an online legacy book.