Sarath Sreedharan


Sarath Sreedharan is an Assistant Professor at Colorado State University. His core research interests include designing human-aware decision-making systems to generate behaviors that align with human expectations. He completed his Ph.D. at Arizona State University, where his doctoral dissertation received one of the 2022 Dean’s Dissertation Award for Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering and was an Honorable mention for ICAPS-23 Outstanding Dissertation Award. His research has been published in various premier research conferences, including AAAI, ICAPS, IJCAI, AAMAS, IROS, HRI, ICRA, ICML, ICLR, and NeurIPS, and journals like AIJ, and in AI Magazine. He has presented tutorials on his research at various forums and is the lead author of a Morgan Claypool monograph on explainable human-AI interactions. He was selected as a DARPA Riser Scholar for 2022 and a Highlighted New Faculty at AAAI-23. His research has won multiple awards, including the Best System's Demo and Exhibit Award at ICAPS-20 and the Best Paper Award at Bridging Planning & RL workshop at ICAPS 2022. He was also recognized as a AAAI-20 Outstanding Program Committee Member, Highlighted Reviewer at ICLR 22, IJCAI 2022 and 2023 Distinguished Program Committee Member, and Top Reviewer at NeurIPS 22.

Title: Human-Aware AI – A Foundational Framework for Human-AI Interaction