Daily Life

Daily Life In Egypt

Relying On The Nile River

People in Egypt relied on the Nile to flood and enrich the soil for farming. The Egyptians could have not lived if the Nile didn't flood the land yearly. If the Nile didn't flood people would have not had fertile land to farm on, and they would have gone hungry.

The Social Pyramid

From the early days of Egypt's history, a person's position is society depended on what they did for a living. The shape of Egyptian society was similar to a pyramid. The most powerful person, the pharaoh , was at the top of the social pyramid. Below the pharaoh was government officials, and below them was craft workers. At the bottom of the pyramid there were farmers, peasants, and captured people who made up a large part of society.


Egyptians at home worked to keep their country strong. Farmers planted and grew their crops and between the yearly Nile Floods. Woodworkers built things like plows, benches, and chests, for everyday use. Weavers made the linen cloths used for Egyptian Garments. These hardworking members of the Egyptian society rarely had their own farms and shops. Most people worked on far owned by government leaders, army officers, or scribes.


Hieroglyphics where the Ancient Egyptians system of writing. The Hieroglyphics where made up of about 800 picture-signs. Hieroglyphics could stand for objects, such as bread, or for sounds such as s. Hieroglyphics have helped people now find out more about the Egyptians.