Yes! Anyone with a personal Google account can create one booking page that allows others to book time with you. Workspace subscribers get access to premium features including the ability to create an unlimited number of booking pages, collect payment through Stripe, verify booker emails, send email reminders, and check multiple calendar for availability.

Yes. You can create a calendar that's accessible to everyone in your organization (or a subset of users). For example, you might want a group calendar for events like team holidays and regular meetings.

Agenda Calendar Download Free


Since I use the google web calendar, if I add my gcal to the Mac app calendar app, I would start to get double notifications: The ones from the google web calendar (via chrome notifications) and the one from the App Calendar.

Can you send some screenshots of the event? If you are using the 2.0 beta, are you sure you have the calendar enabled in the preferences? What version are you using? Was the event created in or a 3rd party app? On the same machine as agenda?

Is anyone else still having this issue with calendar entries taking a long time to sync to agenda? I am using version 2.6 (which I love btw) but my one pet peeve is that I create a new meeting and would like to start making notes related to the meeting and it takes hours or sometimes until the next day before it appears in Agenda. Would love it if there was a way to force the sync. Process.

My setup

I use Google calendar as the back end, but primarily use Fantastical 2 to make my entries. Agenda syncs with the default Mac Calendar application, so I have to make sure that app pulls in from Google.

Yes, was having the same issues, and found out it was that my native mac calendar app was not updating in time. I changed the refresh settings in the calendar app for my different google accounts (under Preferences > Accounts) from 15 min to 1 min, and now Agenda updates the its calendar within the 1 min time frame.

I changed the refresh settings in the calendar app for my different google accounts (under Preferences > Accounts) from 15 min to 1 min, and now Agenda updates the its calendar within the 1 min time frame.

This is a complete re-write and merging of my Reminders and Calendar Events. I realised having used it for a while that it was madness having two workflows for what solving essentially the same problem "What do I need to do today?". Also, I've learnt a lot about workflow development in the past few weeks and some of the code was pretty hacky when Alfred has features to solve some of the problems I was trying to get around. This is Agenda.

With the release of this I won't be updating my previous standalone reminders and events workflows. I have updated the readme on Github to reflect this. They will continue to work for a long time unless something major changes with the reminders or calendar APIs.

Agenda works well for me with respect to reminders. However, I am unable to access my calendar using it. Alfred4 does not appear under Calendars in Privacy and I don't know how to add it. It looks like Agenda should have prompted for that when I first ran it. I did get the standard failure when I first ran Agenda, and I authorized it and now I can access Agenda with the Alfred keyword 'ag'.

However, agenda only works for Reminders (and works very well!). If I try to create new event, it tries to create a reminder in the list "Home" which is the name of my default calendar (which I set in the setup of Agenda).

If I run agenda and select "Calendars", the Alfred command line clears, and "Show Calendars" briefly appears as a choice, then disappears and nothing happens. I can type stuff in the Alfred prompt, but return does nothing and I must use ESC to exit Alfred.

Just wanted to add my thanks for sharing this workflow. I recently moved from OmniFocus to Reminders after it added tags, smart lists, etc. I was wondering if you had any plans to support tagging to agenda, especially as a search mode in your workflow.

Thank you for this workflow, this is a real life save. One small question, maybe I overlooked it and if so, my apologies, but is there a way to create a reminder for a different list? I have next to de default "Reminders", also a list for both of my clients/projects. And I want to create reminders for these clients/projects, next to the default one.

-I can't figure out how to add an all-day event. I checked Sherlock's readme on GitHub and it seems that it should recognize an all-day event when time is not included, but when I write "event tomorrow" it creates the event for tomorrow from 00:00 to 01:00. I also tried to use "allday", "all-day" and "all day" in the sentence, but the result remains the same;

-You say that it is possible to add the new event to the default calendar or to a specific list. Again, I'm not sure how this works because whatever I tried ended with me adding the new event to default calendar

If you or another user can give me a tip about how to do these two things, it would me great.

Thanks for sharing this workflow! Quick question, how do I create a calendar event on a specific calendar? Or can I only create a new calendar event on the default list set? Same question for the reminders. Can I create a new reminder on a specific list beside the default one I set?

Does anyone of you have a problem with reminders not displaying i.e. when I add a reminder via the agenda it appears in the list and looks exactly the same as a task added in the native app but at the specified time no window appears and no sound is played on any of mine devices

This is a great workflow for upcoming events. Many thanks. Is it possible to use this workflow to all search past events or show all past events on specific date. One more option for "Past events" similar to "Upcoming" would be great to go back in history. @rknightuk would be great if you can consider this.

My guess is, the Agenda workflow sets the wrong type of date for the reminders it creates. Even though invisible in the GUI, actually differentiates between a "remind me date", which is what is set when you manually create a reminder, and a "due date", which is likely what the Agenda workflow sets. Only the "remind me date" generates a notification when it is due.

Printing from a day view surfaces a dialogue set to today's view, which, continued, gives a standard print dialogue. Then, there's an option in the PDF dropdown to Send in Email, which attaches the day's view into an unaddressed email.

Did it and no result. My system tends toward the wonky side, with some common things not working. So when I get my next Mac, I'll add back the iCloud documents and manually re-add EVERYthing else to not bring any issues forward.

You just need to think of the problem the other way around... and lever Google Calendar's inbuilt function to send the daily emails of Calendars. In other words use Google Calendar to send the Daily email of your iCloud Apple Calendar.

Now go to your Google Calendar on the Web. Look down the list on the left for "Other Calendars" and click the + sign. Choose "From URL" and paste in the URL of your iCal Calendar you copied to the clipboard.

The Mac Calendar will be read-only in Google Calendar, but it allows you to set up a daily email notification from your iCal Calendar as you wanted to do (by going to the Calendar's settings in Google Calendar and choosing to email a Daily Agenda). The email will arrive in your Mail App (it will be sent to the Gmail Account linked with the Google Calendar).

Thanks @Zabobon & @ccstone! I went down the yellow brick Google road multiple times and never made it to Oz. Google (The Wiz) just doesn't read the URL.

I even found the seemingly obscure Calendar Sync Settings page ( =1) where my new calendar wasn't ticked off and I excitedly checked the checkbox for my new calendar annnndddd, still nothing. Sigh...

Very strange though as this is all being set up on the internet rather than your local computer. All Apple Calendar has to do is generate a URL for your shared calendar. So, I suppose if it is something to do with your system it could be that your Mac is not actually sharing the Calendar.

Glad the suggestion proved useful. I'm still waiting for Shortcuts to come to macOS with Monterey before I start trying to learn them seriously, as I can't stand the touch-based method of arranging and editing actions on iOS, so I don't know if this method I came up with for putting the event time before the titles is the preferred or optimal way to do so among Shortcuts aficionados, but in my testing it seemed to work:

Essentially, this looks at the calendar events specified, ignores all-day ones since they didn't seem to make sense for a daily agenda list and threw off the formatting, then extracts the start and end times for events into separate (unnamed) variables, and finally assembles those times plus the event's title into the equivalent of an "Append to Variable" action in KM so that they're listed as:

Found out that you can add a "Run Shortcut" action to add an existing shortcut to the Automations section. Also needed to use (Send "If Result" to (my email address)) to get the correct output into an email.

I poked around and found (requires setting up an account there and sharing a link), so not 'here.' Also found an app (requires installing an app on phone or tablet and adding friends) which looks about as simple as is currently available and also not 'here'.

While outside your conditions, I'd be glad to set up a Nack account and try it out with you if you're willing. The biggest unknown is that redeeming a coffee is dependent on where you are and if there are coffee shops in your area that work with it. 152ee80cbc

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