

  • Understanding the role of IT as a support for corporate strategy

  • Define, understand and critically evaluate key eCommerce concepts and their place within a digital marketing framework;

  • Articulate the factors critical to eCommerce success;

  • Understand the key operational and legal aspects of eCommerce

  • This module is primarily focused on areas such as:

    • the development of e-commerce components;

    • E-commerce as part of the total company profile;

    • E-commerce marketing;

    • Internal and external effects of e-commerce;

    • International methods of e-commerce, strategic advantage through e-commerce,

    • Payment Systems, privacy and security.

Special Guest Lectures/Seminars

E-Commerce Practical

  • Exploring UI Design Tools

    • Moqup,

    • WireFrame,

    • Qt

  • Azure Machine Learning Studio

    • Recommender Systems

  • Power BI

    • Business Intelligence

    • Business Process Analysis

Course Outline

  • Introduction to E-Business and the Digital Society

  • Doing Business around the world

  • Sustainable Value Creation

    • Value Mapping

    • Value Frameworks

  • Business Models; Economic Theories (fundamentals) & Pricing Strategy - Management & Economics of E-Business

    • B2C | B2B | C2C

    • Growth

    • Cohort Analysis

  • Strategic Trends for e-Business

    • (Enabling Environments for e-Business)

    • Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality

    • FinTech

    • Blockchain

    • Data-Driven Decision Making

      • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning

  • Product Development & Systems Design

    • E-Commerce Systems Development

    • Human Factors in Systems Design

    • User Centered Design

    • User Experience and UX KPIs

    • Lean Startup

    • MVP (Minimum Viable Product) Development

    • MVP vs Proof-of-Concept vs. Minimum Marketable Product vs. Lovable Product Product

    • Sustainable Product Development

    • Six-Sigma

    • Benchmarking Product Development ( Design | Technical | Marketing )

  • Startup Financing, Venture Capitals & Investors

    • Startup Evolution

    • E-Marketing and E-Supply Chain

  • Evaluation of E-Business Initiatives

  • Customer relationship management

  • Ethical and Legal Implications of E-Business in the Digital Economy

    • Privacy & Security

  • The Digital Economy | Gig Economy | Sharing Economy | Platform Economy

    • Labor Models for the Future of Work

    • Fairwork Principles

  • Business Continuity


  • Rana, N. P., Slade, E. L., Sahu, G. P., Kizgin, H., Singh, N., Dey, B., ... & Dwivedi, Y. K. (Eds.). (2020). Digital and social media marketing: Emerging applications and theoretical development. Springer.

  • Mazzarol, T., & Reboud, S. (2017). Entrepreneurship and innovation. Tilde Publishing.

  • Lenssen, G., & Smith, N. C. (Eds.). (2019). Managing Sustainable Business: An Executive Education Case and Textbook (pp. 224-225). Dordrecht, The Netherlands: Springer.

  • Passiante, G. (Ed.). (2020). Innovative Entrepreneurship in Action: From High-Tech to Digital Entrepreneurship (Vol. 45). Springer Nature.

  • Haberfellner, R., De Weck, O., Fricke, E., & Vössner, S. (2019). Systems engineering: fundamentals and applications. Springer.

  • Hacioglu, U. (Ed.). (2019). Digital Business Strategies in Blockchain Ecosystems: Transformational Design and Future of Global Business. Springer Nature.