About Their Majesties

HRM Agamemnon Platylithodae

Agamemnon Platylithodae is 305 BCE Ptolemaic Greek, but for the length of the reign will be wearing 1400 C Byzantine.

I am a fan of controlling my own schedule but this is a trap, PLEASE remind me of the time if I have somewhere to be. 

Likes & Dislikes 


Big fan of trying new things and most foods. Enjoys bread, cheese, and cookies.

Not into olives (but Her Majesty will gladly have His Majesty's olives).


I have an addiction to Red Bull and it will make me happier. I probably need to drink more water.

Rarely drinks alcohol and never beer, cider, wine, port or mead. 


Black, White, Gold


Eclipsed Sun, Checky, Winged lions. 

HRM Marie le Faivre

Marie le Faivre is a 14th C merchant based in Northern France and has business with much of the European world.  

Requires frequent rests and perhaps pausing for a sit to watch during busy activities. Prefers to be on time or early, so please do tap a shoulder if time is short.

Likes & Dislikes


Likes to try new things and SCA period dishes. Partial to breads and cheeses, fresh fruit.

Not fond of pickles, but I'll have His Majesty's olives, please. 


Morning – sweet creamy coffee, daytime - cold water. Occasionally a coca-cola

Alcohol – Appreciates gin drinks, mead, port, and sweet wines.


Red, Gold, and Green


5 pointed mullet, costrels, skulls, sleeping lions